Accessing the Subconscious Quantum Computer Working with the Waves of Our Aura (Spirit) NEMF for Health

Table of contents

1. Introduction

was the first to speak that we must have a Quantum Computer in our Subconscious, of which we are not consciously aware [1]. First, the fact that hypnosis revealed that hypnotized individuals with sleeping Conscious did calculations very fast, meant that a powerful supercomputer must operate in the Subconscious. Second, the fact that some people can foresee the future and see the past and only Quantum Computers could make quantum jumps to the future and the past, meant that the powerful supercomputer in the Subconscious must be a Quantum Computer operating with waves [2].

2. II. The Quantum Computer must Work

with the Waves of our Aura NEMF Hypnosis also revealed that the powerful Quantum Computer had a huge storage capacity -it stored not only the memories of this lifetime with details; it also stored the memories of previous lifetimes [9]. Records are very compact only when they are done with waves -visual images, hearing, smelling, and tactile memories could be stored as compact threedimensional holographic records [7]. Since holographic images are created only with laser light, it seems that our Quantum Computer operates in the Subconscious with the waves of our aura ("aura" means "light"), which I found to be nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF).

I measured the weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) of the aura for 40 years. I found that our aura NEMF is emotional and is 1,000 times weaker than the field created by the biocurrents of our material body. I also found that this weak field rules and regulates everything in the body not with its strength, but with the information it carries (nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information). I had to develop and patent very sensitive equipment to be able to measure it [3], [4], [5]. My measurements revealed that the weak aura NEMF is emotional: at positive emotions it is brighter, at negative emotions -dimmer. Since we say we are in high Spirit when experiencing positive emotions and we say we are in low Spirit when experiencing negative emotions, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit.

Therefore, the powerful Quantum Computer in the Subconscious works with the waves of the aura (Spirit). This powerful Quantum Computer is the source of: our intuitive creativity [6], our ability to see with our mind holographically [7], our clairvoyance (ability to foresee the future or see the past [8]), and our telepathic abilities, which are communications with nonlinear waves between the Quantum Computers of the two telepathically connected individuals. The Quantum III. Levels of Spirituality and the Access to the Powerful Quantum Computer

As explained in my article [10], our material body has 7 energy levels and our Spirit has 7 possible energy levels, of which only 5 spiritual levels could be achieved on Earth, i.e. 8 th , 9 th , 10 th , 11 th , and 12 th (details on this can also be found in my books [11] and [12]). However, about 90% of the Spirits living on Earth are Young Spirits (energy level 7). They are happy to be in a material body and enjoy the good food and good sex, which the material world offers. They are without any Spiritual interests and do not have any Spiritual awareness.

1/ According to Valerie Hunt [13], the major frequency of the aura of the people without spiritual interests is 200 Hz. These are the majority of people (~90%). They are Young Spirits, who deny the existence of the Spirit (they claim we are only a material body) and if so don't expect them to acknowledge the presence of Quantum Computer in the Subconscious operating with the waves of the Spirit.

2/ According to Valerie Hunt [10], [13], the people showing some telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, which mean they have access to the Quantum Supercomputer, have auras (Spirits) with a major frequency from 400 Hz to 800 Hz. These are the individuals with 9 th , 10 th and higher Spiritual levels, who have intuitive insights (known under the name "deja vou"), which means they have access to the Quantum Computer. Obviously, the Creator, who is Supreme Intelligence, wisely allowed only individuals with High Spiritual Levels (who meet some moral criteria) to have access to the powerful Quantum Supercomputer, which operates with the waves of the Spirit. The ways to spiritually grow and achieve Higher Spiritual Levels (with high major frequencies) are revealed in my book [11].

When the 12 th Spiritual Level is reached (the highest possible on earth), the person has learned how to handle the emotions of the Spirit and to suppress the ego of the material body, which comes from the survival instincts of the body. Then the Spirit can leave the Earth and don't need to come back any more unless it volunteers to come (usually in times of transition) [9]. The Spirits with levels 12 th (and higher) that volunteered to come to Earth are called Transcendental Spirits and Jesus was such Transcendental Spirit. He volunteered to come to the Earth (to live in a material body) to teach us how to spiritually grow -by loving, forgiving, and helping others.

The different Spiritual levels can be seen on Kirlian photographies because the aura (Spirit) has different shape at different Spiritual levels. The Kirlian photography is done in high frequency electric field, which multiples the photons of the weak aura, and makes it photographable. Fig. 1 is a Kirlian photography of author's aura in 1991 -it illustrates Spiritual level 9. The light ball is "the crawn", which illustrates that the person is in "the Kingdom of God" (these are the people that have access to the powerful Quantum Computer). The auras of the people with Spiritual levels 10, 11, and 12 have a light ball on top of the head, which is: 2 feet from the top of the head for Spiritual level 10 th , 3 feet from the top of the head for Spiritual level 11 th , etc. Russian scientists found with EEG measurements that during meditation and prayer the conscious mind is sleeping (EEG does not register on the surface of the brain any activity only the basic alpharhythm), just like during hypnosis. This means that all three: meditation, prayer, and hypnosis put the Conscious to sleep to allow access to the Subconscious and its powerful Quantum Supercomputer, which works with the waves of our aura (Spirit) NEMF.

In my article [14]: "Science for the Effect of Prayer", it was revealed that Russian scientists also found that prayer increases the vibrational frequencies of the NEMF of our Spirit, which means that the more we pray, the more spiritual we become. It takes a lot of prayer, meditation, and righteous living (loving, forgiving, and helping others) to grow spiritually enough to be accepted in the Kingdom of God and get access to the Quantum Computer.


3. Accessing the Quantum Computer during or after Sleep

Our sleep is constant alternative switches between light sleep and deep sleep. During light sleep, judging by the EEG activity registered on the surface of the brain, the Conscious is active, and this is when we dream. During deep sleep, only galvanic response is registered from deep areas of the brain, which is specific for emotional response, which means that during deep sleep the emotional Spirit located in the Subconscious is active. During these switches, the information recorded during the day in the Conscious is read and sent for permanent storage in the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious as a compact holographic (tri-dimensional) record done with the waves of our aura (Spirit) NEMF [6].

During these alternative switches Conscious <-> Subconscious, information can also be transferred from the Subconscious to the Conscious and appear in our dreams. We call these dreams prophetic because coming from the Quantum Computer of the Subconscious they could be leaps to the future. Having prophetic dreams is quite specific for individuals with spiritual levels 9, 10, and 11, while for spiritual level 12 the revelations usually come after sleep or during meditation or prayer. Jesus was going to secluded places to meditate or pray, so that God can reveal to him (through the Spirit in the Subconscious) what is the right thing to say or do.

Many people think that Jesus was going to secluded places to contemplate. Meditation is opposite to contemplation. While contemplation is active thinking manifested with strong EEG activity of the Conscious brain, meditation is zero activity of the Conscious brain, which allows access to the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious working with the waves of the Spirit. Obviously, to make us creative like him, the Creator (God) made us emotional (like him), but put our emotional Spirit in the Subconscious to give us freedom of choice -the biggest gift of the Creator to us [6]. Our emotional and creative Spirits' NEMF are holographic templates of the emotional and creative Hologram of the Creator [7].

4. VI.

Enlightening is Access to the Quantum Computer Sakyamuni Buddha ("Buddha" means "awaken") wanted to become enlightened. (I intend to explain in this section what enlightenment means). He studied with two Tao Masters the art of meditation, which would allow him to stop the chattering of his Conscious mind, put it to sleep, and access the Subconscious. Buddha did succeed to get access to his Subconscious and became enlightened through accessing the treasure-box in it -the Quantum Computer. This allowed him to see with his Mind [6] how many thousands are the inhabited planets in the Milky Way [15].

2,600 years later, our modern science is still very far from knowing how many are the inhabited planets in the Milky Way. What our science does know is that our brain has two hemispheres: a logical left hemisphere, which is mostly related to the Conscious, and emotional right hemisphere, which is mostly related to the Subconscious. The two hemispheres are connected with Corpus Calosum -a cable of nerve fibers with the thickness of a finger, which connects both hemispheres. On top of Corpus Callosum is the Pineal Gland with size and shape of a pinecone [16], [17].

Enlightenment or full intuitive creativity is a state, in which the digital Computer of the Conscious and the Quantum Computer of the Subconscious (which works with the waves of our emotional aura (Spirit)) work as one whole piece at the same level of over-excitement [6]. When this takes place, the person is fully connected to the Creator through the Quantum Computer working with the waves of his Spirit (which is template of the hologram of the Creator God) and is receiving information from the cosmic knowledge bank of the Creator God.

What our traditional science refuse to acknowledge is the role of emotions in our life and there is no creativity and enlightenment without emotions. Only when enough neurotransmitters of emotional excitation (glutamates) are released, the Pineal Gland becomes excited -it lightens up and bridges both brain hemispheres. Then the Digital Computer of the logical Conscious and the Quantum Computer of the emotional Subconscious are bridged to work as one whole piece [6].

I think the so-called Celtic cross symbolizes spiritual enlightenment. The vertical line of the cross symbolizes the gap between the two brain hemispheres and the horizontal line -Corpus Callosum. The circle around the intersection of both lines symbolizes the shinning of the excited Pineal Gland on top of Corpus Callosum when flooded with neurotransmitters of emotional excitation. This bridges the Digital Computer of the Conscious and the Quantum Computer of the Subconscious (working with the waves of the emotional Spirit) and makes possible their synchronized work, which we call spiritual enlightenment [6].

Thus, spiritual enlightenment is receiving information from the cosmic knowledge bank of the Creator through the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious, which works with the waves of our emotional Spirit (a template of the hologram of the Creator). Such enlightenment can allow the person to see with his Mind what causes the health troubles (to intuitively diagnose) and to heal. Doctor Vitulcas from Greece is such gifted individual. As a patient entered his office he saw that she was having heart troubles and he even saw what caused the troubled -the husband. When he told her this her jaw dropped down? and he saw how to fix the problem.

5. VII.

6. Conclusion

The article revealed the existence of a Quantum Computer in our Subconscious brain, which works with the waves of our emotional aura (Spirit) NEMF. To give us freedom of choice the Creator put the Spirit (and the Quantum Computer working with the waves of the Spirit) in the Subconscious. However, this made us not consciously aware of the existence of the Spirit and the Quantum Computer working with the waves of the Spirit.

The article explained that the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious is Super-Computer with a very high speed of computation and huge memory storage -it is the biggest gift of the Creator to us, which make us intuitive and creative. However, the Creator wisely restricted the access to the powerful Quantum Computer allowing only highly Spiritual people, who meet some moral criteria, to have access to it.

The article explained that only individuals with high Spiritual level, i.e. high frequency of their emotional aura (Spirit), have access to the Quantum Computer, which allows them to be clairvoyant, prophetic, heal the sick, and revive the dead, as Jesus did. We are now trying to build Quantum Computers and if we are wise, we should do the same as our Creator did -restrict the access to the powerful Quantum Computers.

Figure 1. Fig. 1 :
1Fig. 1: Kirlian photo of author's aura in 1991 -Spiritual level 9

Appendix A

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  6. Success in Life through the Power of Mind, Health and Happiness Books, M Kuman . 1999.
  7. Yoga -Health Benefits, Wisdom, and Science, Health and Happiness Books, M Kuman . 1999.
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  11. Measuring Reiki Healing -Mystery. M Kuman . Placebo, or Real Energy Healing, Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutic Research 2017. 42 (3-4) .
  12. The Major Ruling Role of Our Weak NEMF. M Kuman . Journal of Complimentary Medicine and Alternative Healthcare 2018. 8 (2) .
  13. Full Intuitive Creativity Is a Collective Work of the Quantum Computer of our Subconscious and the Digital Computer of Our Conscious. M Kuman . MOJ Proteomics and Bioinformatics 2018. 7 (5) .
  14. Holographic (Quantum) Way of Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, and Memorizing and How to Use Them for Diagnosis. M Kuman . Research in Medical and Engineering Sciences 2018. 5 (3) .
  15. The Quantum Computer in the Subconscious -a New Dimension. M Kuman . International Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine 2018. 11 (4) .
  16. Quantum Jumps to Future Science -Our Quantum Computer in the Subconscious, v. 4, Health and Happiness Books, M Kuman . 2020.
© 2023 Global Journ alsAccessing the Subconscious Quantum Computer Working with the Waves of Our Aura (Spirit) NEMF for Health
Date: 2023 1970-01-01