Dance for Health during the Pandemic! Scientific Explanation of the Spining Rules for Dancing Couples, Which Make Them Healthier by Increasing and Balancing their Energy

Table of contents


Everyone of us is a material body and a weak light field surrounding the body called aura ("aura" means "light"). I studied the weak aura for more than 30 years. I started photographing the aura with Kirlian photography, which uses high frequency electric field to multiply the photons of the weak aura and make it photographable. I found that the aura is brighter at positive emotions and dimmer at negative emotions, i.e. I found that the aura is emotionally sensitive. How weak is the aura? The aura field is 1,000 times weaker than the electromagnetic field created by the biocurrents of the material body. However, I found that the weak field of the aura rules and regulates everything in the bodynot with its strength, but with the information it carries. Since nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information, I decided that aura's field must be nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF). Then I developed and patented very sensitive equipment, which would allow me to measure the weak nonlinear field of the aura and to measure its vortices and anti-vortices (Fig. 1) [1].

2. Couples, Which Make Them Healthier by Increasing and Balancing their Energy

Abstract-The dancing rules for couples are: leading is the male partner, who start dancing with the left leg and leads in clockwise direction. Why? Nonlinear physics teaches that vortices spin clockwise and suck energy. If so, the spinning clockwise dancing man will suck energy and gain energy from the dance spinning, especially in fast spinning waltz. The energy gained from the clockwise-spinning dance will be added to the energy from the clockwise spinning of man's aura. The total gained energy will be shared with the dancing partner. My long-term studies found that the aura is nonlinear electromagnetic field NEMF. If so, aura energy gain can happen only if there is a reservoir of NEMF energy, from which the man can suck NEMF energy in. Man's energy uplift from fast clockwise-spinning dance is similar to the energy uplift experienced at positive emotions, which make man's aura to spin faster clockwise. My measurements showed that positive emotions (or just positive thinking) not only increase the energy, they make it more balanced, and perfect balance means perfect health. Thus, the spinning dancing rules for couples are meant to stimulate (energize) both partners and uplift their Spirits; and just as positive emotions (or just positive thinking) do, it also balances their energy, which makes the dancing partners healthier.

Keywords: nonlinear physics; vortex spinning of male aura; vortex spinning of male dancing partner; anti-vortex spinning of female aura; anti-vortex spinning of female partner; energy uplift of both dancing partners; positive dancing effect on health.

I. Introduction -What is Nonlinear Physics?

hat is nonlinear physics? When the bottom of a river is smooth, the water movement is linear and linear physics describes it. If there is a big stone on the bottom of the river, the water needs to go around it, which makes the movement nonlinear and nonlinear movement requires nonlinear physics to describe it. Behind the stone, the water forms two spinning circles-one spinning clockwise (called vortex) and another spinning counterclockwise (called antivortex). Nonlinear Physics teaches that the spinningclockwise vortices suck energy, while the spinningcounterclockwise anti-vortices emit energy. It is so because of the rule of the folded fingers of the right Author: Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA. e-mail: [email protected] W hand in physics -when the folded fingers show the direction of the electric current or spinning, the vertical thumb shows the direction of the induced magnetic field or the energy flow. By measuring the chain of alternating vortices and anti-vortices of the aura NEMF, which are along the backbone (called in ancient Hindu texts "chakras", which means "spinning wheels" in Sanskrit), I found that they spin in opposite directions in males and females at the same time of day or night.

3. III.

Why the Dancing Rules Require Clockwise Spinning of the Leading Men

When a dancing couple is spinning in waltz, the man is on the left side and spins clockwise. Nonlinear physics teaches that vortices spin clockwise and suck energy. If so, the clockwise spinning man during dance is expected to suck energy through the top of his head and gain energy from the dance spinning. The energy gained from the clockwise spinning of the dance will be added to the energy sucked by the spinning clockwise man's aura. The Russian scientist Shkatov found with his patented equipment (allowing him to measure the spinning of the aura) that positive emotions make man's aura to spin faster clockwise like a vortex and suck energy [2]. If so, the energy uplift from clockwise spinning dance is supposed to be as the energy uplift experienced at positive emotions. When a dancing couple is spinning in waltz, the energy gained by man's clockwise spinning, is shared with his dancing partner. Therefore, the rules of dancing spinning are such that they bring energy uplift to both dancing partners -males and females.

4. IV. My Studies of the Role of Positive

Emotions and Positive Thinking on our Health

Shkatov found that at positive emotions men's aura spins clockwise and at negative emotions men's aura spins counterclockwise [2]. Measurements with my patented supersensitive energy meter allowed me to see the effect of positive emotions and even positive thinking on our energy balance, which determines our health. I found that positive emotions (or just positive thinking) increase the body energy and make it more balanced. Since perfect balance means perfect health positive emotions or just positive thinking improve our health (Fig 2 ). V. My Studies of the Aura Led me to Understanding the Nature of the Space Matrix NEMF Thus, men's aura spins clockwise during the day and sucks energy through the vortex on top of their heads to get energized for the daily activities (Fig. 1). If the auras are NEMF, and at positive emotions men's auras become brighter, there must be reservoir of NEMF energy, from which men's auras suck NEMF energy. Since nonlinear fields do not dissipate and can imprint information, I decided that the primary Space Matrix from which the Universe was created must have been NEMF. (The Creator first created a sphere of this not dissipating NEMF (Space Matrix). Then He imprinted on it the three-dimensional holographic image of the Universe to be, and the Universe was created [4]).Positive emotions (as well as the clockwise spinning dancing men) make men's clockwise-spinning auras to spin faster and suck more energy from the Space Matrix NEMF through the vortex on the top of their heads, from which the concept of Father God in Heaven, originated. (The concept of Mother Goddess of Earth originated from the fact that women's auras spin counterclockwise and suck energy from the Earth NEMF through the vortex at their tailbone. In my article [5], I explained that since the auras in men and women spin in opposite direction, the attraction between the sexes is magnetic in origin).

5. VI. My Studies of the Aura Led me to the

Conclusion that the Aura is our Emotional Spirit

Since positive emotions make the aura brighter and we say we are in high Spirit when we experience positive emotions, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit. Then I found that the ancient Jewish Cabala was teaching to high priests that the aura is our Spirit. Thus, after many years of work I discovered what the ancients knew thousands of years ago -that the aura is our Spirit. (This re-discovery should not be surprising because the cycle of solar activity rules the development of civilizations on Earth. When the Sun is active, the increased magnetic field of the Sun stimulates the brains of man, and they develop advanced civilizations. When the solar activity drops down to zero, the civilizations of man on Earth drop down to zero -people even forget how to write. At the next solar activity, the man on earth start developing civilization from zero. This makes each civilization different, i.e. with its own color, which makes it interesting to observe -it is not a borrowing repetition of the same. And the most important -the imposed through the solar cycle limit of solar activity put an upper limit to our development. In this way, the Creator God (who made us creative as himself) felt secure that we would never reach His level of development and be a tread for our Creator Hu (Human means Man created by the Creator God Hu).

6. VII. The Spinning of Dervish Men and Single Women

The so-called Dervish Men spin clockwise and they claim that if they spin long enough the energy of their aura (Spirit) will increase so much that they will shift to a higher Spiritual Level. Since vortices spin clockwise and suck energy, the Dervish men with spinning clockwise aura by spinning clockwise would indeed gain energy.

1/ There are no Dervish women, but if women should do this, they need to spin counterclockwise because their auras spin counterclockwise and suck energy from the Earth NEMF through their tailbones.

7. VIII.

8. Conclusion

The article explained that the dancing rules for couples require clockwise spinning of the male partners because men's aura spins clockwise, and only clockwise dance spinning can farther increase the clockwise spinning of their auras and boost their energy. The energy gain is shared between the two partners. Since positive emotions make men's auras spin faster clockwise, the boost of energy for dancers spinning clockwise is the same as their boost of energy at positive emotions (or just positive thinking). Based on my measurements of the effect of positive emotions (or just positive thinking), I claim that not only will the clockwise waltz dancing increase the energy of both dancers, their energy will become more balanced, which will make the dancers healthier. Thus, dance for energy gain and dance for energy balance, which is health! Positive emotions make the aura spin faster and suck more energy. When the man spins clockwise in a dance (waltz), he sucks more energy through the vortex on top of his head. For all this to happen, there must be reservoir of energy, from which the clockwise spinning auras of men suck energy. Our science chose to believe that there is no ether -it is vacuum, regardless that Michelson later came up with idea for experiment with higher accuracy, with which Syniak in 1911 and Michelson in 1925 proved that ether does exist [3]. Our science chose to ignore these experiments and continued to claim that ether does not exist -it is vacuum. However, it cannot be vacuum because our auras (and the Sun) are plasma and they generate energy as they spin. Plasma spinning in vacuum cannot generate energy, while plasma spinning in ether, which is nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF), can. This proves that the media (called ether) is NEMF, not vacuum. But let come to this step by step.

2/ When men and women dance circle dances, their movement should always be clockwise because only at vortex-like clockwise movement energy is sucked from the Space Matrix NEMF and this energy gain would be shared between the dance partners.

Figure 1. Fig. 1 :
1Fig. 1: The 7 aura energy levels of man's body and the numbered along the backbone alternating vortices and antivortices of the aura NEMF (called chakras)
Figure 2. Fig. 2 :
2Fig. 2: The measured positive effect (higher energy and better balance) of positive thinking on our health Since clockwise spinning of dancing partners has the same uplifting effect on both dancing partners as the effect of positive emotions (or just positive thinking), we can expect dancing with clockwise spinning to have the same positive effect on the health of the dancing partners as positive emotions (or just positive thinking).
Figure 3.
Prof. Maria Kuman, PhD
Year 2023
II. knowledge of Nonlinear Physics lead My Studies of the Aura and my me to Understanding the Dancing Rules of Spinning Couples Volume XXIII Issue III Version I
D D D D )
Medical Research
Global Journal of

K© 2023 Global Journ als


Appendix A

  1. The Nature of the Physical Vacuum. M Kuman . Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (A) 21 (5) p. 2021.
  2. , M Kuman , Reiki Healing -Mystery . Placebo, or Real Energy Healing? Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutic Research 2017. 4 (3-4) .
  3. Why Are We Emotional, Why Are We Craving Love? (v. 3), Health and Happiness Books, M Kuman . 2020.
  4. The Mystery of the Ether Revealed (v.1), Health and Happiness Books, M Kuman . 2020.
  5. The Act of Conception Is Magnetic in Origin and so Is the Attraction between the Sexes. M Kuman . Journal of Complimentary Medicine and Alternative Healthcare 2020. 2023. 11 (1) . (11 Year)

Year 2023

Date: 1970-01-01