Cancer Preventive Therapies Should be Reason-Based

Table of contents

1. Introduction

e do not get cancer, we make it. Cancer is by no means like a usual disease, it is not something that comes by chance. It is something that the body starts to produce meaningfully. What integrative oncologists have figured out is: The way that you naturally fight cancer, is to find out why the body is making it in the first place. So to just treat it with chemotherapy and radiation is no real solution. Better is to help the body stop producing or develop cancer. It must be noted that chemotherapies kill the sensitive cells but not the resistant cell clones. These are selected out and subsequently multiply. without restraint. Therefore, fewer cancer patients die from the primary tumor, but preferentially from the metastases, which are nothing more than chemotherapy-resistant cell clones. Individualization of cancer therapy using liquid biopsy could solve this problem. (7) This includes the understanding that the organism does nothing without a reason. The bodysoul-mind entity is wise. The organism primarily uses other minor diseases to solve its problems. Only when it sees no other possibility than to trigger a cancer, it performs it. The cancer represents, so to speak, a multitasking method to bring several problems to a single solution. (1) The organism accumulates a lot of stresses in the course of life, not only physical but also psychological and mental. Minor illnesses, especially inflammations, serve to relieve at least part of the burdens. The motto of the body is: "what leaves me, no longer burdens me". Not only the excretions via the kidneys, the liver and the intestines serve this purpose, but also many other excretory pathways, e.g. via the skin (the third kidney), hair, nails, saliva, tears, mucus, etc. Hardly anyone realizes that hair loss is nothing more than a detoxification of toxins such as metals. (2) When the organism's compensatory capacity for stress, hyperacidity and poisoning is exceeded, it looks for a radical way that promises to solve multiple problems. It can be first a cyst, then a benign lump, later a malignant tumor. This cancer involves accumulation of cellular and environmental toxins. If the body gets rid of it without additional poisoning, it is a success. Therefore, interfering methods that disturb the tumor such as biopsies, applying pressure, pressing, squeezing etc. are contraindicated. On the other hand, it makes sense to carefully and gently peel out the tumor as a whole surgically without affecting it in any way. Hence, the amount of poisons and toxins in the body is reduced by surgery. On the other hand, the body now lacks a "waste depot" that it had become accustomed to using. It may therefore be that the body needs another ("recurrence") or a metastatic tumor and consequently produces it. (3,4) II.

2. An American Approach

American-European natural healer Dr. Dana F. Flavin (5,6) has done extensive research into the causes of cancer. It is worthwhile to look into her findings. She founded THE FOUNDATION FOR COLLABORATIVE MEDICINE AND RESEARCH (COLLMED). She says: « Cancer is nothing more than trapped emotion, surrounded by toxins and contaminations.» She emphasizes: « I'm like an engineer, taking a destroyed building and learning every nook and cranny, every nut and bolt, with the intention to rebuild. This is the pharmacology, nutrition, and medicine. First, I clean the building and rid it of all the garbage so that the building can be properly repaired. This is the detoxification process, to clean up the fungi, parasites, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals and more that weigh our systems down.

Then I rebuild the walls with healthy nutrition and exercise to stabilize the building. This provides a structure upon which to further strengthen the inside and outside. I clean the windows so that one can see both inside and out. This is the pure water and fluids needed for the body to work optimally. But that's still not enough. I open the windows and let in oxygen, releasing the poisonous gases like stress and fear and shifting the pH to a healthy one.

What's missing? The light! Light is the spirit of hope we send to our minds and bodies. It's what displays the building in all of its glory. The building could be the soundest one in the world but without the suffusion of light, it remains in the dark.

There's an old expression: "Darkness cannot disperse the light, but light can disperse the darkness." My intention is not to simply provide a recipe for wellness but uncover the spirit underneath. It's that spirit, that light that's more magnificent, more powerful than any medicine or nutritional program I could create. It's the force of life itself. » Dr. Dana Flavin starts with this: « There are nine key toxins that gather in your liver, pancreas, and other organs that disrupt your DNA and signal your body to grow cancer.» Thus, we can conclude that it should be a threefold detoxification to prevent and treat cancer: mental, psychological and somatic. (7,8) III.

3. Mentally

In the mental realm of thoughts and words, there is a complex that is particularly capable of generating stressful negative energies: it is valuing, devaluing, judging, condemning. Here it would make sense to apply the law of mirrors and correspondence: « What disturbs or annoys me in the other person, I have in myself. » If this is the case, one should reflexively stop putting oneself above the other one. In this way, one can prevent the emergence of a mental causation for a disease.

4. IV.

5. Psychologically

The psychological causes include above all repressed conflicts, and within them the so-called territorial conflicts. What does that mean? Every human being has -similar to animals -a territory in which only he wants to exercise dominance. When other people invade the territory by influencing, manipulating or aggression, a conflict arises. It can be resolved by a clear: "No, this far and no further". If one does not manage to do this, one can work through the conflict by forgiving. If this does not happen either, the content of the conflict is shifted/repressed into the subconscious. It is then apparently gone, but continues to smolder until a later resolution, e.g. in the context of hypnosis. As long as it is not resolved, it can trigger an illness. Several or many conflicts of the same theme increase the subconscious pressure, and cancer may result. The conflict issues can also be found by means of myogeloses (nodular hardenings) in the muscles and/or geloses in the fasciae. If one squeezes such a knot, images of the conflict may rise up into consciousness and -if one is open to it -a solution can be facilitated.


6. Somatically

At the somatic level, a largely unknown cause is the presence of one (or more) foci in the area of the gums and/or jaw bones. These may be infectious or non-infectious, e.g., NICO-type oily maxillary osteitis. They also have the energy to cause cancer. Next step is to cleanse the cancer-causing toxins.

For the purpose of somatic detoxification there is a therapy with intracellular enzymes. They are produced in Italy by the company Citozeatec.(9) They are used to clean first the intestine, then the blood, then the mesenchyme and finally intracellularly.

On the subject of toxins, the CDC lists more than 200 substances that are dangerous but in our environment.(10) A large part of them we ingest all the time. In addition, there is the production of endotoxins, especially in the intestine. Most of them are free radicals that steal electrons from the body's own molecules. Therefore, it is advisable to take antioxidants daily. In addition, one should strengthen the detoxifying abilities of the organism on a daily basis.

Many foods have the ability to prevent cancer and assist in its treatment. However, these do not include: gluten, cow's milk, pasta, fast food, junk food, sugar, preservatives, grilled meat, flavor enhancers, GMO. etc. When one examines what the diet of a large part of the population looks like, one begins to doubt... The new way of preventing and treating cancer is simple: We don't fight cancer, we don't try to poison the tumors? We just tell the body to stop producing or growing it.

The rise in toxins, chemicals, heavy and light metals, and the rise in cancer rates show an exact match. One can do all the chemo, radiation, and radical surgery one wants. But they won't stop the body from "making" cancer. (11,12) VI.

7. Conclusion

It is promising to go to the root cause level in the prevention and sometimes also the treatment of cancer. It is always problematic to treat only the effects, as recurrences and metastases can then occur. Chemotherapy always has a positive effect on the cancer cells, which are sensitive and responsive. However, there are always cell clones that are resistant. These are not captured and eliminated, but survive and are virtually selected, so that they continue to spread and form so-called metastases. This crux of cancer treatment can be addressed by prevention. It includes somatic, mental and psychological detoxification methods described above.

Appendix A

  1. Forgotten Genius. Doepp Manfred , Otto Warburg . Biomedical & Translational Science 2022. 2 (3) p. .
  2. The Most Logical Cancer Therapy Concept in The World?. Manfred Doepp . 10.34297/AJBSR.2021.13.001934. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research (6) p. .
  3. Topic: Mouth, Teeth, and Dentition. Manfred Doepp . .org/10.33140/ABBSR.05.03.04. Journal of Advances in Bioengineering and Biomedical Science Research 2640- 4133. 5 (3) p. .
  4. Smart Cures -They Can Contribute to the Prevention of Cancer. Manfred Doepp . Med Discoveries 2023. 2 (5) p. 1039.
  5. Additive Integrative Methods in the Treatment of Patients with Breast Cancer. Archives of Gynaecology and Women Health, Manfred Doepp . 10.58489/2836-497X/009. 2023. 2.
  6. An Effective Cancer Therapy Concept Needs Individualisation. Manfred Doepp . Int. J. Bio. & Medic. Science 2023. 06 (03) p. .
  7. Cancer: The Causations. Manfred Doepp . International Journal of Science Academic Research August, 2022. 03 (08) p. .
  8. Could Dentistry Be a Major Factor in Human Poisonings?. Manfred Md Doepp . 10.9790/0853-2103104849. IOSR-JDMS), 2022. 21 p. .
Date: 1970-01-01