Chlorinated Water Remains Toxic Even After Filtration

Table of contents

1. I. Introduction

his article aims to draw attention to the fact that chlorinated water remains toxic even when the chlorine has been filtered out. The chlorination of water started because the aluminum industry had a side product -chlorine -that was very toxic and very expensive to detoxify before to discard it. Somebody had the genius idea that instead of spending a lot of money to detoxify it before to discard it, they can sell the toxic chlorine to the water industry to be used for disinfection of the water. The chlorine kills the germs, but kills us, too.

Research done in Germany showed that chlorinated water did cause cancer. When this was made public, Germany switch to ozonated water. Research was also done in the US at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and it was found that chlorine did cause cancer (published in 1972), but the US continued to chlorinate its water.

2. II. Why does the Water Memorize?

The computers we use memorize with the crystals in them called chips. If the crystals were not able to memorize, we wouldn't have computers. What this has to do with liquid water? When the ice melt to form liquid water, only 40% of the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules are torn [1]. So, liquid water is chunks of ice crystals swimming in liquid water -they are called clusters.

If liquid water contains clusters of crystalline ice, it should be able to memorize. Scientists recently found that glass, gels, colloidal solutions, and even soap bubbles have memory [2]. It is because the glass and gels have chunk of crystals in them, and the colloidal solutions and soap bubbles have liquid water, which is clusters of solid ice (which can memorize) swimming in liquid water.

The ice clusters make the water structure highly inhomogeneous and inhomogeneous media have nonlinear properties [3]. One of these nonlinear properties is hysteresis -the volt-ampere characteristics of water are different at increase and decrease of the voltage, which means that the voltage increase has left some changes in the water (the water has memorized the increase). The word "hysteresis" means that "the history is important". K Abstract-The structure of liquid water is more than 50% clusters of solid ice imbedded in liquid water, which makes the water inhomogeneous and with hysteresis properties. Hysteresis means the water history is important, it is a voltampere characteristic of the water different when the voltage is increased and when the voltage is decreased. It means that the increasing voltage has changed the water structure and these changes were still present when the voltage was decreased. Recent studies of Luc Montagnier, who took Nobel Prize for the DNA of the HIV virus, found that when the water with the HIV virus was so diluted that the DNA of the HIV virus was no longer present, the water still had detrimental effect because the frequencies of the DNA of HIV-virus were imprinted on the water structure. Similar were the result of the French immunologist Benveniste, who found that the biological effect of anti-bodies was still present when the water solution was so diluted that anti-bodies were no longer there. When the water is chlorinated to kill the germs in it, the frequencies of the toxic chlorine remain imprinted on the water even when the water is filtered and the chlorine is not any longer there. Considering this, we must stop chlorinating the water. In Germany, years ago Shauberg blew a whistle that chlorinated water did cause cancer and Germany switched to ozonated water. This is the right way to go.

dynamic and capable to adapt to any environment by changing its structure.

If the external conditions require these two layers to become disconnected from the cluster, another two layers of the cluster become loose and free to leave if the conditions change. The water can reorganize its structure very fast and the ice clusters can change their size very fast. It was found in Russia that the size of the water clusters changes in quants [1]. The basic water quant is a cluster of 57 water molecules. However, it is possible to find ice clusters as big as 912 molecules, which are conglomerates of 16 cluster quants.

It was found that when minerals or other substances are dissolved in the water, the clusters of solid ice swimming in liquid water change their size and shape. The structure of the water also changes under the influence of all kinds of external factorstemperature, atmospheric pressure, electric or magnetic fields. Based on this, we can claim that magnetized water exists and has properties different from the normal water [3]. The magnetic field has induced changes in the water structure, which are present even when the magnetic field is no longer there.

3. III. Water can Memorize Music, Emotions, thoughts, and All Kinds of Energy

The ice clusters make the water inhomogeneous and their flexible dynamic structure allows imprint of all kind of information: music, human energy, even emotions and thoughts [1] can be imprinted into the water structure, which is called water memory. The physicist Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig of Los Angelets, consultant of the International Research Organization, said: "The water has the memory of an elephant" [1].

Japanese studies of Masaru Emoto showed that classical music makes the water crystalize in beautiful symmetric patterns [1]. He also found that positive thoughts and positive emotions (like love) make the water crystalize in beautiful symmetric patterns. At the same time, he found that negative thoughts and negative emotions (like anger) make the water crystalize in ugly asymmetric patterns [1].

Russian scientists found that the water structure is very sensitive to external influences. Electric current passing through the water causes one type of ice cluster configuration [1]. Change in the atmospheric pressure causes another type of ice cluster configuration [1]. When water is exposed to light, it has a third type of ice cluster configuration [1].

Thus, the water structure records each type of energy in a specific way, which proves that the water is capable of recording information. I did my own measurements in 1981. I asked energy healer, who heals with hands, to do clockwise movements on top of a bowl with water. I measured with a very sensitive IR equipment the emission of this water and found strong infrared emission from it [1].

I was surprised that the water treated by the energy healer (when left at room temperature) was still emitting energy in the second and third day [1], while the Brownian movement of the water molecules was supposed to dissipate the healer's energy overnight. I was able to understand this only a few years later, when I got acquaintant with nonlinear physics. I learned that nonlinear fields do not dissipate easily and that the human electromagnetic field is nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF).

Similar experiments with water, which handhealers treated for 3 minutes, were also done in Russia some years later. They showed that the water treated with the hands of hand-healers was emitting 300% more energy than the control [1]. Dr. Zvenin explained this phenomenon with the dynamic of ice-clusters' configurations -changes in the configuration of one ice cluster lead to changes in the configuration of all ice clusters [1]. My explanation is -this can happen only if the ice clusters are related strongly in a nonlinear way.

Russian investigations of Acad. Goskov [1] showed that water with imprinted energy of positive emotions makes wheat seeds to germinate much faster and the degree of sped-up germination depends on the duration of the positive emotions. The impact of negative emotion on water is the opposite -the Russian scientist Prof. Bolotova [1] showed that negative emotions (in particular anger) not only changed the clusters' structure, they changed some of the water molecules from H 2 O to D 2 O, and D 2 O is toxic for the body.

The dynamic flexible structure of water is even influenced by our thoughts. If people with strong energy fields can freeze the arrow of an instrument and not allow it to move, such people could and would change the water structure. An energy healer in Russia changed the water conductivity with 7,000 microamperes [1]. On the background of all this, the mental effort of Jesus to change the water into wine at the wedding in Canaan seems quite at reach.

4. IV. The Sharp Negative Response of Scientists to the Announcements of Luc Montagnier and Benveniste that the Water has Memory

The French immunologist Jacques Benveniste [1] did research with anti-bodies. He noticed that the biological effect of anti-bodies was still there even when the solution was so diluted that anti-bodies were no longer present. This reminded him homeopathy. He said that the water must have the ability to memorize. Only memorizing could explain his experiment as well as the fact that the homeopathic remedies work even when the substance is so diluted that not even one molecule of the substance is left [1].

When asked, how the water does the memorizing, Benveniste's answer was: "I am immunologist, not a physicist." Being a physicist, I explained in my article [1] how the water memorizes information. The liquid water is ice-clusters swimming in liquid water, which makes it strongly inhomogeneous, and inhomogeneous media have nonlinear properties, such as hysteresis, which means remembering past treatments.

I really believe that if Jacques Benveniste [1] would emphasize that what he observed is nothing else but hysteresis (instead of claiming that the water has memory), probably his explanation would be accepted. However, explaining that the biological effect of antibodies was still present when the solution was so diluted that anti-bodies were no longer present, sounded nonrealistic to the materialistic scientists and they jumped on him with disbelief.

The experiment of Jacques Benveniste [1] explains why the homeopathic remedies work. They work even when the healing substance is so diluted that not even one molecule of the substance is left. The presence of healing effect means that specific vibrations of the nonlinear electromagnetic field of the healing substance [4] (dissolved in the water) remained imprinted on the complicated inhomogeneous dynamic structure of water.

The critics of Benveniste's explanation that the water must have ability to memorize didn't curb his enthusiasm for farther experimenting. Jacques Benveniste was a scientist with intuitive envision and he claimed based on his farther experiments that the biomolecules communicate with their receptors by sending low frequency electromagnetic signals, which the receptors pick up like radios tuned to specific wavelength.

He recorded these signals digitally and by playing them back in the absence of the molecules, he was able to reproduce the biochemical effect, as if the molecules were there. By just playing the electromagnetic signal, he was triggering the defense response of neutrophils to kill invading cells, just as the presence of the molecules would do it [1]. I think this proves that the aura (Spirit) rules and regulates everything in the body through the electromagnetic signals of its weak informational nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) [5].

Another scientist, Luc Montagnier [1] (the Nobel Prize winner for deciphering the DNA of the HIV virus) found that at very high dissolutions when the DNA of HIV virus was no longer present, the electromagnetic signal created by it was still present. He filtered the water containing the DNA of HIV virus, so that no molecule of DNA was left in the filtrate, but the DNA signal of the HIV virus was still there, and so was its detrimental effect [1].

The research of Benveniste and Montagnier [1] points in one direction -the water has memory. Their research proved that imprinted on the water structure are the frequencies of the Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF) of the biomolecules [4]. 1/ In the case of Benveniste: the NEMF of the anti-bodies are imprinted on the water structure (he also found that the antibodies communicate with their receptors with low frequency NEMF). 2/ In the case of Montagnier: the NEMF of the HIV DNA was imprinted on the water structure and this record was present after all HIV DNA was removed.

5. V. If Water Memorizes, Chlorinated Water Remains Toxic after Filtration

Thus, the experiments of Luc Montagnier and Jaques Benveniste showed that the water memorizes the frequency of the substance dissolved in it, and this memory stays after the solution is so much dissolved that not a single molecule of the substance is left. (Montagnier used filtration to be sure that no molecule was left). If so, we can expect the frequencies of the toxic chlorine to remain imprinted on the water structure after the chlorine has been filtered out of the water.

Therefore, filtering the chlorine out of the water eliminate only the smell of chlorine, but does not eliminate the chlorine toxicity because the frequencies of the toxic chlorine are imprinted on the water structure. The only way to eliminate the toxic effect of chlorine is to stop using chlorine for disinfection of water and start using ozone. Ozonated water is expected to even have positive effect on the body because through the Crab's cycle, it will boost the energy of the body. Thus, for disinfection the water needs to be ozonated, not chlorinated!

6. VI. Conclusion

Thus, based on the experiments of Luc Montagnier and Jack Benveniste, every substance dissolved in water leaves frequency imprint on the structure of the water. This imprint remains even when the solution in so much diluted (or filtered) that no single molecule is left. This means that filtering the chlorinated water will only eliminate the smell of chlorine, but the frequencies of the toxic chlorine will remain imprinted on the water structure. Based on this, the article recommends for disinfection to ozonate the water instead of chlorinating it with toxic chlorine.

Figure 1. Fig. 1 :
1Fig. 1: Hysteresis Type Volt-Ampere CharacteristicsThe water has a dynamic structure ready to change as the external conditions change. Each cluster of ice has two layers of water molecules in dynamic equilibrium, which means that these molecules can stay connected to the ice cluster or leave depending on the external conditions. This makes the water structure very

Appendix A

  1. Does the Water Have Memory and Why. M Kuman . Journal of Natural and Ayurvedic Medicine 4 (1) p. 2020.
  2. How Was the Material World Created? -Origin of Its NEMF. M Kuman . Open Access Journal of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics 2 (2) p. 2019.
  3. Accessing the Subconscious Quantum Computer Working with the Waves of the Aura (Spirit) NEMF for Health. M Kuman . Journal for Medical Research (K) 23 (2) p. 2023.
  4. How Homeopathy Works -Homeopathy and Cancer. M Kuman . International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2019. 12 (1) .
  5. The Mystery and Healing Power of Magnetized Water. M Kuman . EC Emergency Care 2020. 4 (4) .
Date: 1970-01-01