Eat Healthy "Organic" Food to be Healthy

Table of contents

1. I. Introduction

et us first explain the meaning of "organic" foodall fruits and vegetables being products of living plant organisms are organic. However, our civilization chose to use the word "organic" for vegetables and fruits raised without artificial fertilizers. The "organic" fruits and vegetables are raised with organic fertilizers, such as cow, horse, or chicken manure. The "organic" fruits and vegetables have: 1/ a lot more taste and flavor, 2/ a lot more vitamins and minerals, 3/ does not bruise so easily and the bruised places dry but not rotten. Unfortunately, presently most of food we eat is raised with artificial fertilizers.

Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize winner, said that in the development of all civilizations on earth there was never a time when the food was so abundant and with such low quality. Why is the quality of our food so low? Our fruits and vegetables raised with artificial fertilizers: 1/ are mostly water; 2/ do not have much taste and flavor; 3/ bruise easily and the bruised places rotten easily; and 4/ contain little or no vitamins and minerals. Our fruits and vegetables grown with artificial fertilizers are big in size but with low nutritional value? And nobody seems to care that much of the crop raised with artificial fertilizers is lost because it bruises easily and rottens easily.

The era of artificial fertilizers started after the Word War II. Why? Somebody had the "genius idea" that the nitrides of the leftover bombs from the war could be used to fertilize the soil and have more crops. The low quality of the fruits and vegetables was completely ignored, and so was the fact that consuming these lowquality fruits and vegetables, we suffer more diseases (which decreases the quality of our lives) and die earlier. So, the artificial fertilizers are nothing else but slow killing bombs.

2. II. Unconventional Way to Stimulate

the Growth of Plants with Harmonic Music I want to draw your attention to the fact that there is a way to have more crops (larger quantity) and higher quality. In India, in 1951, Singh started playing music to his plants. By 1960By -1963, he was already playing music to the rice fields of seven villages and harvesting 25 to 60% increase of crop. He was also experimenting with dances, and he found that dances also stimulate the growth of plants because through the earth the rhythmic vibrations of the footwork are transmitted to the plants and stimulate their growth ([1], p. 147-8).

3. L

In the US in the late 1950s, florist Arthur Locker in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, inspired by the work of Singh, started playing music to the flower plants in his greenhouse. He found that music does stimulate his flower plants -they germinated quicker, bloomed more abundantly, and had more vibrant colors ([1], p. 148). Canadian engineer and farmer Eugene Canby played Bach on his plot of wheat and produced 66% more crop than the average and the wheat seeds were larger and heavier. He proved with his experiments that the genius of Bach was just as good as fertilizer ([1], p. 148).

In 1960, botanist George Smith planted corn and soya beans in two greenhouses and played Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue only to one of them 24 hours a day. The Gershwin-inspired seeds sprouted earlier and were stronger, tougher, and greener. He decided to measure the weight of 10 plants from each greenhouse and found that the Gershwin-treated plants weighted 40, while those raised without music weighted 28 ( [1], p. 149).

Mrs. Retallack found that when she played Duck Ellington's "Soul Call' or Luis Armstrong to her plants 55% of them were leaning toward the speaker and they grew much higher than in the silent chamber. She also noticed that different styles of music changed the rate of water evaporation from the soil differently. While in the silent chamber the water evaporation from the soil was 17 mm, in the chamber with Bach music it was 20 to 25 mm, while in the chamber with rock music the water evaporation was as high as 55 to 59 mm ( [1], p. 160).

It sounds mystical and raises a question: Rock or Bach? The answer is: ask your flowers. Rock is too noisy, and further experiments showed that random noise inhibited the growth of plants 40%. If rock music was not good for your plants, it wouldn't be good for your teenagers. If classical music, which is harmonic, is good for your plants, it is going to be good for your teenagers and children. Indeed, it was found that classical music (when used as a background) stimulate learning. My son attended School with Subconscious learning and to facilitate the learning they used classical music as a background.

4. III. Shouldn't we use Harmonic Music to

Stimulate Plants Instead of Artificial Fertilizers?

If classical (harmonic) music stimulates the growth of plants, we should use such music instead of artificial fertilizers. The plants grown with harmonic music would be healthy and they will make us healthy. The reason we don't use music is -we couldn't understand how it works and this was because we refused to believe that we (and all living beings: plants, animals, and humans) are a material body and Spirit field seen as aura. My lifetime studies of the aura showed that it shines brighter at positive emotions and it is dimmer at negative emotions, which means the aura is emotionally sensitive.

Since we say we are "in high spirit" when we experience positive emotions and we say we are "in low spirit" when we experience negative emotions, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit -aura (Spirit). Then I found that the ancient Jewish Cabala was teaching to high priest that the aura is our Spirit. Is this true for all living beings (humans, animals and plants)? Do we have any scientific evidence that plants' aura is their Spirit? [2].

IV. Scientific Evidence that the Plants have Spirit

Kirlian photography uses high frequency electric field to multiply the photons of the weak aura field and make it photographable. Kirlian photos make the aura visible to everybody. The fact that Kirlian photos of leaf's aura, part of which has been cut off, shows the whole leaf, proves that plant's aura has holographic nature because only holographic images can be whole when part of them has been cut off.

Since holographic images are created only with laser light, plant's aura must be of laser-light nature ("aura" means "light" in Hebrew) (see my articles [3] and [4]). The fact that the human aura is the human Spirit has been known since ancient times (see the ancient Jewish Cabala) but became forgotten later on. However, the German author Goethe spoke about the plants having Spirit 70 years before Darwin. Therefore, the fact that the light aura of humans is their Spirit, seems to be true for all living beings (humans, animals and plants). Thus, what we see on Kirlian photos of plants auras are plants' light Spirits.

I started my studies of the auras with photographing (with Kirlian photography) the aura of plants. I found that when I watered the plants or fertilized them, this made their aura brighter. I immediately saw the practical application of this. I don't need to wait to the end of the season to determine by measuring the biomass how the used fertilizer has influenced the plant growth. I can immediately see the plant response by looking at the aura of the plant.

5. V. Music Influences the Emotional

Spirit of all Living beings (Humans, Animals and Plants)

Thus, our body has two components -a material form seen as a material body and field form seen as aura. The field form of the aura is of light nature ("aura" means "light" in Hebrew). Since the ancient Jewish Cabala teaches that our human aura is our Spirit and all living being (humans, animals, and plants) have auras, all living beings have a field form called Spirit beside the material body. The waves of this field form, which I found to be nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF): 1/ allow fast reactions; 2/ allow fast adaptation to new environment by scanning the new environment with its waves and bringing information to the material body how to change to adapt to the new environment (nonlinear fields can imprint information); and 3/ if the required changes are too big allow evolution to a new type of species. If so, harmonic music by influencing the field (wave) form should be able to influence all living beings -humans, animals and plants.

6. VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, I want to say that the experiments done in the 1960s and 1970s found substantial (up to 60% and more) stimulating influence of classical (harmonic) music on the growth of plants. Unfortunately, this was not used latter because we refused to believe that the plants could be emotional and could be stimulated with harmonic music. All this was because we refused to believe that all living beings are a material body and emotional Spirit seen as aura. And Goethe [5] claimed 230 years ago that the whole variety of plants evolved from one single prototype of plants' Spirit, which by adapting to different environmental conditions created the whole variety of plants.

Goethe's intuition came from the Quantum Computer in his Subconscious, which works with the waves of the Spirit [6]. Now when we started to create Quantum Computers (Google created one), my articles [7], [8] and book [6] about the Quantum Computer we have in the Subconscious, are starting to get attention. All living beings (humans, animals, and plants) have Quantum Computers of different kind, which operate with the waves of their emotional Spirit. If so, we can expect all living beings to be stimulated (positively influenced) by harmonic music. [6] If so, classical (harmonic) music could and should be used to stimulate the growth of plants and not artificial fertilizers, which make the plants unhealthy and us unhealthy! The plants grown with classical (harmonic) music as a stimulant will be healthy and the consumption of these healthy fruits and vegetables will make us healthy because they will have all the vitamins and minerals we need -and they will have good taste and flavor, just like the organically grown food. In other words, the plants grown with harmonic music, as a stimulant, will not only be in larger quantity, they will have high quality.


Appendix A

  1. Why Should Our Science Acknowledge the Fact that We Have Quantum Computer in Our Subconscious?. M Kuman . MO Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics 9 (3) p. 2020.
  2. Why It Is So Important to Avoid the Acupuncture Points during Surgery -Phantom Pain and Phantom Leaf Have the Same Holographic Nature as the Subconscious Images. M Kuman . Chronicle of Medicine and Surgery 2018. 2 (6) .
  3. Holographic Quantum Way of Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Memorizing and How to Use Them for Diagnosis. M Kuman . Research in Medical and Engineering Sciences 2018. 5 (3) .
  4. the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious -a New Dimension. M Kuman . International Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine 2018. 11 (4) .
  5. Glimpse to Future Science -the Quantum Computer in Our Subconscious, Health and Happiness Books, M Kuman . 2020.
  6. Let There Be Light, Health and Happiness Books, M Kuman . 2021.
  7. P Thompkins , C Bird . the Secret Life of the Plants, (Harper
    ) 2002.
  8. On the Metamorphoses of Plants, W Goethe . 1790.

Eat Healthy "Organic" Food to be Healthy

Date: 1970-01-01