Quantum Physics, Alternative Medicine, and Spirituality

Table of contents

1. Introduction

f you think that Quantum Physics has nothing to do with Spirituality, we are going to prove you wrong. The latest studies showed that during prayer the conscious is not active -it is shut down [1]. This usually happens during hypnosis when the hypnotist puts the Conscious to sleep to access the Subconscious [2]. If so, is our prayer giving us access to our subconscious? And what our subconscious contains, of which we are not aware?

The author of this article found answer to this question after spending almost 40 years measuring our weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF), which is 1,000 times weaker than the biocurrents of the body, but rules and regulates everything in the body. The author had to develop supersensitive equipment to be able to measure it.

The author found through measurements that the NEMF is very emotionally sensitive [3] and since the emotional brain is in the Subconscious, it became obvious that NEMF rules and regulates everything in the body from the Subconscious. Then the author found that the waves of this NEMF, which propagate on the surface of the body, are responsible for our fast response [4], which increases many times our chances for survival.

Should our life depend on the response of our nervous system, which is very slow, we would be dead long time ago. The fast response indicates that there is something more sophisticated than our slow nervous system and this sophisticated thing is in the Subconscious. Hypnotists found that in a state of hypnosis, when the conscious brain was sleeping, the individuals performed calculations with much higher speed [2].

The hypnotized individuals (with sleeping conscious and active subconscious) were doing calculations 10,000 times faster than when they were using their Conscious mind operating on biochemical principles. Therefore, it seems that in the Subconscious operates a more sophisticated computer, which works with the nonlinear coherent waves of our NEMF. Since it operates with waves, it must be a Quantum Computer.

It was also found that beside with our eyes, we could also see with our mind [2]. Russian scientists investigated V. Bronnikov, who could see with his mind [5]. First, when he sees with his eyes, the equipment registers impulse from his eyes to his brain. Second, when he is blindfolded and the equipment does not register impulse from his eyes to his brain, he could still see.

He could even see the object when it is behind a dense screen [5], which proves that nonlinear waves are involved because only nonlinear waves can pass through a screen. He could even see the object from different angles [5], which indicates that the vision with the mind is three-dimensional or holographic. Obviously, seeing with the mind involves nonlinear coherent (laser type) waves and since our NEMF is rich of such waves, it must be involved in it.

Hypnosis shows that the Subconscious of each individual store detailed information of his whole life. To do this, the Quantum Computer of our Subconscious must have enormous memory storage. Obviously, when we sleep the non-stop alternative switches between light sleep, when the conscious is active (and dreams take place) and deep sleep when the Subconscious is active, are transfer of the information recorded during the day in the Conscious (on the surface of the brain) to the deeper area of the brain called the Subconscious for long-term storage.

2. II.

Our Nemf is our Spirit I have spoken with many people who have been in a state of clinical death and came back. They all describe seeing their lifeless body lying on the bed, while hovering over it for three days. Since their body is dead, the only way they could see their body is through their Mind. Since seeing with the Mind is threedimensional or holographic, it must be done through the Quantum Computer, operating with the nonlinear coherent waves of our NEMF.

This means that during clinical death, when we say that the Spirit leaves, our NEMF leaves the body. Russian scientists did measure the NEMF and they found that it takes three days and three nights for this field to separate from the nervous system and leave the body [6]. Therefore, the Mind belongs to the Spirit and the Spirit (our NEMF) could see the physical body holographically through the coherent waves of our Spirit (NEMF).

Holographic is not only our vision. Our hearing and smell are also holographic. The German scientist Herman von Helmholtz 100 years ago showed that our ears detect waves and analyze frequencies [6]. Later, it was found that our ability to smell is also based on frequencies, so-called osmic frequencies [6]. It must be this way, if all we have seen, heard, and smelled during our life time is stored at subconscious level in the Quantum Computer, which operates with waves on the holographic principle.

3. III.

Who could see with the Mind?

Dr. Valerie Hunt [7] measured the frequencies of the NEMF of different people and found that they can vary rather dramatically. She found that the clairvoyants have NEMF frequencies between 400 Hz and 800 Hz. The people that can in trance connect with other dimensions have frequencies between 800 Hz and 900 Hz. However, some people can have NEMF with frequencies as high as 200,000 Hz and more. (However, for the human NEMF both the frequencies and the intensity of the field are important.)

The higher the frequency of NEMF, the more spiritual the person is, and the better he sees with his mind [7], [8], [9]. This is an additional proof that the mind is attribute to the Spirit (NEMF). This also shows why we should thrive to be more spiritual -the more spiritual we are, the easier it is to reach and be able to use the powerful Quantum Computer of your Subconscious. If you are not spiritual, you are limited to the use of the primitive digital material computer of your Conscious.

If during prayer the Conscious is not active, prayer is a way to reach the Subconscious and use the Quantum Computer for healing, achieving wisdom, or achieving a Spiritual goal. This explains how the prayer for health works. If prayer is a way to reach the Quantum computer, which works with the waves of the NEMF that rule and regulate everything in the body, obviously you can achieve health with a prayer.

4. IV. The Seven Energy Levels of your Body

Our nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) has donut shape and it is spinning around axis passing through the hole of the donut, which is along bthe backbone. Our NEMF, being nonlinear exhibits turbulence manifested as six spinning energy centers along the backbone. They alternate vortex -anti-vortexvortex -etc. Our NEMF sucks energy in through the vortices, and breathes energy out through the anti-vortices.

These six spinning energy centers along the backbone rule and regulate the six endocrine glands, which by emitting hormones directly into the blood stream rule and regulate everything in the body. The seventh spinning energy center on top of the head sums up the energy of the six spinning centers under it (Fig. 1).

Each of the seven spinning energy centers has its energy level in the aura, which make the NEMF look like a Russian doll. However, all six donuts with different radius are connected in the upper point (top of the head) and lower point (tailbone) of the backbone, which is the axis of spinning of our NEMF. The spinning around the backbone induces magnetic field and the upper and lower points of the backbone are the northern and southern pole of the induced magnetic field (Fig. 1).


5. The Seven Energy Levels of your Spirit

Possible are seven more discrete levels of the Spirit, but only 5 of these discrete quantum energy levels 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th can exist on Earth. Each of them is a light ball over the top of the head at a growing height. The Spiritual Level 8 is a light ball with a center on top of the head. It is seen as a halo around the head (in the way the saints are pictured on icons), but this is the lowest spiritual level.

Fig. 2 pictures the next spiritual quantum energy level 9. As seen, the center of the light ball is one foot from the top of the head. Spiritual level 10 is a light ball with a center two feet from the top of the head, etc. The higher is the spiritual level the higher is the emotional sensitivity of the individual, as well as his stress sensitivity and drug sensitivity. That is why, the higher an individual grows spiritually, the more essential it becomes to learn to control his emotions and the more essential it becomes to know to take only a small portion of the medication prescribed to others because the whole dose will more kill him than help you. For such spiritually high people with higher frequency and sensitivity more suitable are the alternative modalities of our medicine, such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, homeopathic remedies.

The last two spiritual levels #13 and #14 are to be accomplished in the spiritual realm. These are Spirits that don't need to reincarnate on Earth in a material body any more. Since the Spirits (NEMF) are nonlinear, and a group of nonlinear oscillators (Spirits) have higher energy than the simple sum of their energy, the growth in the last two levels is done in groups of Spirits in the Spiritual realm.

However, such high-level Spirits #13 or #14 could volunteer to come to earth to help during transition periods, when help is needed most. On Earth, these Spirits are called transcendental souls. The present time is such transition period because the dark era of Fish ended in 2012. In Hindu sources, the dark era is called Kalli Yuga and the Goddess Kalli is pictured with a necklace of skulls because this was the era of wars and ignorance.

On December 21, 2012, we entered the era of Aquarius, which is the era of light and spiritual uplift. For that reason, we have now transcendental souls on Earth to help us accomplish the transfer.

6. Conclusion

This article showed that the Spiritual levels are discrete (quantum), which can be seen with Kirlian photography. The higher is the spiritual level of an individual, i.e. the higher is his frequency, the higher is his sensitivity to emotions, to stress, and to drugs. The alternative medicine (homeopathy, herbal, acupuncture), being milder, will be the right medicine for these sensitive individuals.

Figure 1. Fig. 1 :
1Fig. 1: Pictured are the seven basic discrete quantum levels of the donut-shaped NEMF of the body (in vertical cross-section) and their relation to the alternating vortices and anti-vortices in the middle of the body. This illustrates that discrete quantum energy levels are present when turbulence is present.
Figure 2. Fig. 2 :
2Fig. 2: Kirlian photography of Spiritual level 9 (the author in 1991).

Appendix A

  1. , M Kuman , Acupuncture , Electro-Therapeutic Research . Int. J.) 42 (2) p. 2017.
  2. M Kuman . Same Fields and Dynamics in Stars and Man, Health and Happiness Books, 2017. Quantum Physics, Alternative Medicine, and Spirituality,
  3. M Kuman . Quantum Mind and Quantum Growth -Ways to Spiritual Growth, 2015. Health and Happiness Books.
  4. , M Kuman . Research in Medical and Engineering Sciences 2018. 5 (3) .
  5. , M Kuman . Chronicles of Medicine and Surgery 2018. 1 (2) .
  6. , M Kuman . Research in Medical and Engineering Sciences 2018. 5 (3) .
  7. Science about the Effect of Prayer. M Kuman . International Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine 2019. p. 12.
  8. , V Hunt . www.biofieldenergy.com
  9. , V Tihoplav , T Tihoplav , Soznanie Vselenoi . 2007. Russ.: Krilov Publisher. (the Conscious of the Universe)
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Date: 2019 2019-01-15