Winnicott from then to Now and the False Self Valdecir de Godoy Borges Abstract-Starting with a very small analysis of the influences of Freud (Sigmund Freud 6 may 1856 in Freiberg to 23 September 1939 in London) in the studies of psychoanalysis that were the starting point for the others (metapsychology: point of view Topic Page "Dynamic" Dynamic in conflict "Freud's studies on the switches studies of understanding its functioning and the particular external and internal actions that form the individual's psyche this initial understanding that guides all or almost every other way of conceiving of mechanism understanding these forms of internal forces of the human being Lacan said "I am Freudian you if you want to be Lacanians" curiously, we have a tendency to link studies and other things to our daily lives to aspects of our routine in the Case of Donald Woods Winnicott (Plymouth, April 7, 1896-January 28, 1971) Winnicott was a pediatrician so it is not strange that his retrieved focus is on the initial process of human development. In these developmental processes, there are many disagreement points between within the thought of psychoanalytic schools. If we think of a fact of the psychoanalyst's position, for the most part, let us say in the course of the analysis, we can say that in other schools the analyst has more of the father's position while in the Winnicottian psychoanalytic clinic the analyst for most of the course of the sessions has a mother's position. In this humble work I intend to talk about the clinic and the methods that Winnicott developed as well as I will cite some cases he attended to and his understanding of the relationship of the human being in the first years of development and its fundamentals to adult life, whether it is pathological when, let's say, "failures" in the initial process and its consequences throughout life.
Introduction ntisocial tendency is linked to the child's development period when it establishes relationships with the mother, who is defined as a good-enough mother and not-good-enough mother. When the child does not receive all the care that the mother should give, the child extrapolates this lack of care necessary for the appropriate development. Such lack, such absence, makes the child develop these antisocial characteristics, such as stealing, such as having a more introverted behavior. The anti-social process is more easily reversible, having in mind that this process, when installed in the child has some consequences such as: gradual loss of creativity, increase in irritability, bearing in mind that irritability in the child may also be associated with depression, commitment to School development and commitment to social development.
In the case of delinquent behavior, we already have a negative evolution of the framework that started anti-social and evolved to mechanisms that the child developed in time. Dealing with these mechanisms of behavior acquired in this delinquency period is harder, as it requires a return to the cause that generated and triggered this process, noting that, according to Winnicott, it results from this lack of care offered by the mother, who was not good enough.
I also emphasize that, in the Winnicottian interpretation, delinquency is an evolution in a worse diagnosis of antisocial behavior within a more favorable plan for the patient. It is always appropriate to start treatment in the early stages of antisocial behavior thinking, in this respect, that both have the same causal root, which is the lack of something when the mother was not good enough. In the case of delinquency, it is considered a worsening of the condition, with fixation of symptoms and structures that tend to keep the individual in a pathological emotional state, being classified as having worse diagnosis and greater psychotherapeutic difficulty.
A brief philosophical question of Martin Heidegger. "the ability of the being to question itself". This existentialist philosophy would have influenced the thinking of some psychoanalysts, as it probably influenced Winnicott. "Heidegger's Thought on the Being and Winnicottian Psychoanalysis of the Maturing Happening". According to Martin Heidegger, the being is capable of self-questioning, it is capable of understanding and looking in the mirror, facing itself and analyzing itself. Heidegger calls it "there-being", a shortsighted being in the world. It is important to understand this Being in the Winnicottian view, because in the case of a Being in development, not yet having the neurological capacity to distinguish Being from the mother or anyone else, this "there-being" tends to suffer from these lacks of the not-good-enough mother and to pay a price during its lifetime for these affective and emotional exclusions.
We will start these studies with the thought of the child's integration with itself and with the environment of which he is a part, which receives and also gives back stimuli. Such stimuli build and enable internal parts and parts of the external environment to make this being integrate and constitute itself as an individual in an internal context and an internal context.
These influences frame this being, in this case, the constitution of the EGO. I will enter, to guide my studies, into the root of all psychoanalysis. Yes, let's talk about Sigmund Freud who, at the very least, is the passion of, I will not say all, but almost all psychoanalysts. The Freudian root defines EGO as "the character of the self", which is a "precipitated of abandoned object cathexes and (...) contains the history of these object choices" (FREUD, 1923, p. 43 -44).
"The self is formed from identifications that take the place of cathexes abandoned by the Id (FREUD, 1923, p. 64)".
About the integration processes, "An adequate environment, free from violence, drugs or extreme poverty, allows children and adolescents to develop their social, physical and psychological potentials more harmoniously, it being up to parents or guardians to provide such conditions". (WINNICOTT, 1988.) Note that it is clear that, in this period of EGO formation, the child does not have a superEGO either. In this case, people around him who have this superego role, such as father, mother, brother, etc.
It is Interesting that, for Winnicott, the formation of the self is strictly linked to the good-enough-mother and in details such as: if the mother does not pass the female part, the child will have difficulties in constituting and understanding itself as a being, that is, an integral part the constitution of the EGO; if the mother does not give him male training, the child will have difficulty dealing with the internal environment. In other words, in other theories, the EGO is the part of the psychic apparatus that interacts with the external environment and that receives impulses from this external environment that affect and interact with the psychic apparatus. We could say, in the case of the Winnicottian theory, that the mother exercises in her child and for her child, in the first moment, the superego and also the EGO. It is as if the developing being borrows this Topic, or parts of this Topic, from the mother, which in this case is the psychic apparatus. As a free thought, I'm imagining the power that the internet and video games have today on children who are very exposed to games and the internet, with multiple contents. What would be the influences of these factors, so that they can take the place, or better, make up for the absence of a goodenough mother, in the formation of the EGO?
If you allow me to be bold, the EGO is always in the external environment, the ego is always in the other subject, the EGO is made up of small parts that are in the external environment. It is up to the good-enough mother to integrate them, or to suggest integration, so that the developing being creates, from these receipts, its own self.
If you allow me to be bold, the EGO is always in the external environment, the ego is always in the other subject, the EGO is made up of small parts that are in the external environment. It is up to the good-enough mother to integrate them, or to suggest integration, so that the developing being creates, from these receipts, its own self.
Given the facts of studies of the good-enough mother and the not-good-enough mother, it can be concluded that the latter brings great harm, many of which are extremely damaging to the individual. It is concluded that this formation of another Self as a protective mechanism of the SELF, in the vast majority of cases, suffocates the true SELF, assuming this false Self with a false hope, in order to ensure survival of the true SELF. After a while this is always a worse prognosis, as the false Self may suffocate the true SELF, where it is no longer possible to find it in the person.
Ontology (from the Greek ontos and -logy, "logical speech"; in the ensemble, "science of being"), is the part of the metaphysics that deals with nature, reality and existence. False and true self, authentic life and non-authentic life.