# Introduction edicine is not only a science to study the structure and laws of the human body, but also a technology to treat and prevent diseases. In ancient times, different regions used to have different medicine, they had a different understanding of the human body and adopted different treatment methods for diseases. However, in modern times, European medicine has achieved rapid development with the help of modern scientific and technological progress, and has soon been accepted by all countries in the world to become world medicine and gradually developed into modern medicine. At present, the research and understanding of the human body in modern medicine have been very thorough and meticulous, reaching the molecular level. Since modern medicine has such a thorough and detailed understanding of the human body, in theory, most diseases of the human body should be cured, but the actual situation is not the case. There are still a large number of diseases that modern medicine is powerless and difficult to cure, even a considerable number of which are seemingly uncomplicated diseases. So what is the reason? The reason is that the current modern medicine has defects and deficiencies in understanding the laws of the human body. Meridians and acupoints are very important parts. According to thousands of years' experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the author's research, a large number of diseases in the human body are related to meridians and acupoints, which can be treated through meridians and acupoints. Unfortunately, modern medicine knows nothing about this. It is hoped that more people can devote themselves to the research of meridians and acupoints. This will be a promising field. # II. The Meridians Involved in this Paper Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us that the meridians system of the human body is composed of the twelve regular meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians, and so on. The following meridians are involved in this paper. The figures show only the part on the body surface, and another part enters the body and is connected with internal organs. # III. The Effect on the Human Body and Diseases that can be Treated of Massaging Some Acupoints on these Five Meridians The following introduces the effects on human body and the diseases that can be treated by massaging some acupoints on these five meridians. The massage method can be either rubbing on acupoints with fingers or pressing on acupoints with fingers or other slender or sharp hard objects. Putting your fingers on acupoints without rubbing or pressing can also have effect. Tens of times or seconds at a time. The ones who are physically strong and have certainty about the nature of the disease and the choice of acupoints can Opening up a New Field of Modern Medical Research 3 be more, while those who are young, old, weak, or uncertain about the nature of the disease and the choice of acupoints can be less. It starts to work after the massaging, the effect will continue for 7 hours and 40 minutes, and then stop. If you fall asleep in the middle, the period of sleep will not be included in the 7 hours and 40 minutes, because the effect will stop temporarily after you fall asleep and resume after you wake up. For example, when you massage acupoints at 7 p.m. and fall asleep at 10 o'clock, the effect will stop, when you wake up at 6 a.m., the effect will resume again, and then continue until 10:40. The effect of massaging acupoints is not always manifested very well every time due to various factors. for example, for some reason, stimulating acupoints with opposite effects at the same time can offset the effect, because there are many acupoints in the human body that is stimulated to produce the opposite effects. # Massaging the acupoint LU10 on Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin (Figures 1 and 6) can simultaneously increase the blood flowing from pulmonary artery to lung and from lung to pulmonary vein, and reduce the electricity of the lung and large intestine, it can be used to treat diseases caused by insufficient blood flowing from pulmonary artery to lung and from lung to pulmonary vein and excessive electricity of the lung and large intestine, but it is inappropriate for the opposite situation and should be prohibited. Electricity is called Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Electricity in the lungs is called Lung Qi, electricity in the heart is called Heart Qi, etc. A healthy body not only requires that the blood flowing from the artery to the internal organs and from the internal organs to the vein be appropriate, not too much or too little, but also requires that the electricity of internal organs be appropriate, not too much or too little, too much or too little will cause abnormal functions of internal organs and make people sick. The diseases caused by too much or too little blood flowing from arteries to internal organs and from internal organs to veins have been mentioned in the previous two papers, this paper will not repeat, but only talks about the diseases caused by too much or too little electricity in internal organs. If the internal organs have too little electricity, their functions will be insufficient and weak, for example, if the electricity of the lungs is insufficient, the function of the lungs will be weak, and people will feel short of breath and breathing weakness; If the electricity of the heart is not enough, the function of the heart will be weak, and people will feel depressed, tired, weak, unresponsive, sleepy, unwilling to speak, and have a low voice. On the contrary, If the internal organs have too much electricity, their functions will be too strong, for example, if there is too much electricity in the lungs, the function of the lungs will be too strong, and people will feel wheezing, chest tightness, cough and so on; If there is too much electricity in the heart, the function of the heart will be too strong, and people will feel suffocated in the chest, excited, palpitation, easily frightened, upset and insomnia. Other organs are similar to this. # Massaging the acupoint LU8 on Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin (Figures 1 and 6) can simultaneously reduce the blood flowing from pulmonary artery to lung and from lung to pulmonary vein, and increase the electricity in the lung and large intestine. It can be used to treat diseases caused by excessive blood flowing from pulmonary artery to lung and from lung to pulmonary vein and insufficient electricity in the lung and large intestine, but it is inappropriate for the opposite situation and should be prohibited. # Massaging the acupoints LI3 or LI18 on the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming (Figures 2 and 7) can simultaneously increase the blood flowing from artery to large intestine and from large intestine to vein and reduce the electricity of the lung and large intestine, it can treat diseases caused by insufficient blood flowing from artery to large intestine and from large intestine to vein and excessive electricity of the lung and large intestine. Similarly, it is inappropriate for the opposite situation and should be prohibited. 9) can simultaneously increase the blood flowing from the coronary artery into the myocardium and from the myocardium into the vein and reduce the electricity of the heart and small intestine, it can treat diseases caused by insufficient blood flowing from the coronary artery into the myocardium and from the myocardium into the vein and excessive electricity of the heart and small intestine. Similarly, it is inappropriate for the opposite situation and should be prohibited. 7. Massaging the acupoint SI1 on the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang (Figures 4 and 10) can simultaneously increase the blood flowing from the artery into the small intestine and from the small intestine into the vein and reduce the electricity of the heart and small intestine, it can treat diseases caused by insufficient blood flowing from the artery into the small intestine and from the small intestine into the vein and excessive electricity of the heart and small intestine. Similarly, it is inappropriate for the opposite situation and should be prohibited. 5. Massaging the acupoint HT6 on the Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin (Figures 3 and 9) can simultaneously reduce the blood flowing from the coronary artery into the myocardium and from the myocardium into the vein, increase the electricity of the heart and small intestine, and can treat diseases caused by excessive blood flowing from the coronary artery into the myocardium and from the myocardium into the vein and insufficient electricity of the heart and small intestine. Similarly, it is not suitable for the opposite situation and should be prohibited. 123![Figure 1: Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin (Lung Meridian for short) Lung Meridian enters the body and connects with the lung and large intestine.](image-2.png "Figure 1 :Figure 2 :Figure 3 :") 45![Figure 4: Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang (Small Intestine Meridian for short) Small Intestine Meridian enters the body and connects with the small intestine and heart.](image-3.png "Figure 4 :Figure 5 :") 6![Figure 6: Acupoints on Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin](image-4.png "Figure 6 :") 74![Figure 7: Acupoints on Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming](image-5.png "Figure 7 : 4 .") 8![Figure 8: Acupoints on Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming](image-6.png "Figure 8 :") 9![Figure 9: Acupoints on Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin 6. Massaging the acupoint HT5 on the Heart Meridianof Hand-Shaoyin (Figures3 and 9) can simultaneously increase the blood flowing from the coronary artery into the myocardium and from the myocardium into the vein and reduce the electricity of the heart and small intestine, it can treat diseases caused by insufficient blood flowing from the coronary artery into the myocardium and from the myocardium into the vein and excessive electricity of the heart and small intestine. Similarly, it is inappropriate for the opposite situation and should be prohibited.](image-7.png "Figure 9 :") 10![Figure 10: Acupoints on Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang](image-8.png "Figure 10 :") 1112![Figure 11: Acupoints on Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming](image-9.png "Figure 11 :Figure 12 :") 1314![Figure 13: Acupoints on Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming](image-10.png "Figure 13 :Figure 14 :") 15![Figure 15: Acupoints on Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming 10. Massaging the acupoints ST39, ST34, ST32, ST11, ST5, or ST3 on the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming (Figures 5, 12, 13, 14, and 15) can simultaneously reduce the blood flowing from the artery into the stomach and from the stomach into the vein, increase the electricity of the stomach, and can treat diseases caused by excessive blood flowing from the artery into the stomach and from the stomach into the vein and insufficient electricity of the stomach. Similarly, it is not suitable for the opposite situation and should be prohibited.](image-11.png "Figure 15 :") ![](image-12.png "") ![](image-13.png "") ![](image-14.png "") ![](image-15.png "") © 2021 Global Journals © 2021 Global JournalsOpening up a New Field of Modern Medical Research 3 * Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine LiuYanchi 1987 Jiangxi Science and Technology Press China * The Theory of Meridians and Acupoints, Science and Technology Literature Publishing House YiLun Xin Wei 2006 China * Opening up a New Field of Modern Medical Research 1 XiaoguangLi 10.31219/osf.io/zgf28 2020. September 11 OSF Preprints * Opening up a New Field of Modern Medical Research 2 LXiaoguang J Altern Complement Integr Med 6 121 2020