# Botanical Standardization of the Embeli Ribes Burmf & Possibilities of Species Substitute Syed Asadulla ? , Ramandang ? & Rajasekharan ? EmbeliaribesBURM. F. is an important drug of Ayurveda. Which is considered as multi remedies *with wide* group of Active consistents.Isolated from the berries. Because of High Commerce, Traders, are subjected to 26 species of substitution, a detailed botanical investigation with macro & microscopical comparison with the drug used under the name of VIDANGA. Therefore the present study is an attempt to establish macro & Microscopic characteristic of E.R. as well as to Distinguish the species in Chart. Great emphasis is laid on the most diagnostic characters by which each parts of the plant was identified particularly with the macro biological group to which is belongs as in Table no.1, of fruit collection and genuine and substitution (Table no. 2) which gives the value in distinguishing features between species of fruits(berries). As the leaf is first cleared in the solution of Chloral hydrate & lignification was established by the reaction with solution of phloroglucinol followed by a concentrated Hydrochloric acid (C-HCL) to detect the presence of lignin &also mounted for powder microscopy for fruit in dry condition. The respective photographs were taken with nokiacamera and measurements were taken with camera lucida support and recorded. IV. # Anatomy Stem -TS of fresh stem shows a circular outline, with a single layer of epidermis covered with a thin cuticle, numerous lenticels, Below the epidermis 2-5 rows of collenchymatous cortical tissue is present and rest of the cortex is parenchymatous containing numerous simple and occasionally oleoresin cells along with compound starch grains & patches of lignified fibers present at fairly regular intervals towards inner cortex, the vascular bundles, cambium, uniseriate medullary rays and pith is seen. Petiole -TS of petiole is nearly circular in outline with a depression on the adaxial side, a thick wall epidermis, several well developed layers of collenchymas are present beneath the upper epidermis and a sheath of ground tissue, but only2 to 3 layers on Abaxial side. Ground tissue is parenchymatous, vascular tissue forms an arc that has widely spaced bundles, a few small prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate are present in the ground tissue. Detection of various anatomical features such as tracheids, trichromes, fibers, glands, cork, stomata, pollen grains etc provides important identification clues in leaf & fruits. ER and many of its species are recorded for their botanical characters in Table no.1 and 2. EmbeliaribesBURM. F. botanical features deals with the pharmacognostical study of leaf and fruits. VI. # Discussions EmbeliaribesBURM.F. plant character is identified in FRLHT,Bangalore, and soil samples is submitted in GKVK,Soil sciences ,, Bangalore. The results are awaiting and the Tissue culture study is carried out in I.I.H.R. Bangalore results are awaiting. # VII. # Conclusion The present statement is to predict the leaf & fruit characters of EmbeliaribesBURM. F. Thus it is concluded that the above statement can be validated and authenticated on the basis of their macro µscopical characters are the possibilities of substitutes. ![. Fresh aerial twigs possessing flowers and fruits was collected from I.I.H.R. Hessarghatta fields, Bangalore with accession No.1001. which is an Altitute of 800 meters (2800Sqft) latitude : 13.1323 North, longitude: 77.49332 East. Wind at East 12KM/hr, Temperature (11 0 -25 0 C) Humidity at 45% which is washed thoroughly in running water and the samples were deposited in institutes respository vide voucher specimen numbers 1 to 5 of sample no. 1 (FRLHT Collection No. 55181), dated January 03, 2012, to study and identified the species by Dr. Ravikumar.K. Asst. Director, RMR Division, at Institute of Ayurveda &Integreative Medicine [IAIM], an initiative of FRLHT Herbarium division.andsome of the fresh material is preserved in FAA (Formalin-Acetic acid-Alcohol) and the rest was dried at room temperature and prepared Herbarium preserved, at Research Centre & rest was dried at room temperature for Histological studies,Berry Morphology at Fig.No.1. a) The Drug indicates identification & authentication](image-2.png "") ![Figure 1 : (Berry) Figure 2 : (Fruit) Figure 3 : (Leaf)](image-3.png "Figure") ![Midrib -TSFig.No.3, of leaf passing thorough the midrib shows a cuticularised upper glossy surface and lower epidermis and the midrib region shows a patch of collenchymatous cells in a depression below the upper epidermis with Prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate are present in the parenchymatous cells of the ground tissue six vascular spiral strands with thickness of 9µ to 18µ are present in the ground tissue of the midrib which is radially arranged xylem vessels intermittently phloem cells inFig.No.3.(Leaf) Lamina -Cuticle present, upper epidermal cells in size ranges 95µ x 140 µ and the cells of the lower epidermis, ranges 120µ x 115µ in size two or three rows of palisade parenchyma cells are found below the upper epidermis with some rows of well-aerated spongy parenchyma & a few oleoresin globules are present and more numerous stomata on lower surface and with stomata on lower surfaces and matty ash grey colour with sunken glandular pits with moderate trichomes. In FigNo.4. ](image-4.png "") 4![Figure 4 Fruits in fresh condition Fig.No.2. 1. In fresh condition the embryo consist of small thick parenchymatouscell and diameter size is 693.5µ with globular aleurone grains having a diameter 1.0 µ to 2.5 µ. 2. Endosperm consists of thick called parenchymatous cells layer thickness ranges from 4161.1 µ to 1109.6 µ with oil cells. 3. Perisperm:-Several layered thin walled parenchymatous cells layer thickness ranges from 208 µ to 1,248 µ along with starch grains. 4. Parenchymatous light Brown cells of lining of layer thickness ranges from 1.387 µ to 2.4774 µ. 5. Aerenchyma cells layer thickness ranges from 1525.7 µ. 6. Parenchyma 2 to 7 or several layers flattened cells layer thickness ranges from 416.1 µ to 62.85 µ with vascular bundles of xylem and phloem. 7. Sclerenchymatous dark Brown 10-14 layers which is projected intermittently radially arranged tapering ends of layer thickness ranges from 1,387 µ to 1,872.45 µ occipiedtapering ends in next abundant layers of inner parenchymatous Hexagonal cells. 8. On maturity fruits able to recognize seed structure attached with filaments and on seeds crushed in mixer show some of the somatic seeds ranges.](image-5.png "Figure 4 Fruits") ![HISTOLOGICAL Characteristics of leaf & fruit.Plays a crucial role in establishing the identity & determining the authenticity.](image-6.png "") 9. Sclereid layer of dark Brown of 2-3layers which istangentially elongated layer thickness ranges from97.09 µ to 166.44 µ.10. Epidermis of 5 to 12 layers thick walled narrow andaxially elongated cells layer thickness ranges from41.61 µ to 61.35 µ.11. In fresh condition Arilluslayer thickness ranges from485.45 µ to 762.85 µ which is the layer of Testa iscovered layer on the external side by thintransparentrectangulartangentlyarrangedcolourless cells or with collapsed parenchyma also013called as membranous Arillus, In dry condition the Arillus is modified into Testa layer modified into2 Yearrectangular fruit(Berries)which scales consist 24 mesocarp and endocarp on powder analysis the in number per on T.S.ofepicarp,testa region shows a group of oleoresin cells andstone cells.( ) B 1SerialRegionsCortex ColourTesta FractureLongitudinalSpecial FeaturesNo.Stiations or Scalymarkings01HubliAsh Brown to greenGradually Testais Erupted and22Intermittent eruptionHebsurfew lines are seen.in 30% of seeds02AyurHubli.Brownish-Black withTesta is firmly attached28Few scaly eruptionwhite patchesseen03HimalayaBrown GreenCalyx, Broken, in 30%24Not to be seen04KeralaBrownish Black1% of Hemisphere Testa Breaks &22Nil99% is safe05RajastanBrownish red to GreenTesta is erupted in 50% of seeds224-506FathepurMatte Ash -BrownIn half HemisphereNilSingle Fracture07FRHLTReddish Brown50% Testa is broken to powder28 scales are foundScaly depression08HessarghattaReddish Brown toTesta is attached to the seed24 scales are foundScaly depressionGreen09AmrutKesariBrownish BlackTesta is erupted to 25%242 to 3 2Sl. No.Drug NameAuthour NameSourceUsesPublished01EmbeliaribesBurm.f.Chua,LSL;JLCHForest ResearchAnthelminticPlant resources of South-East Asia No. 12(1):van Valkenburg,InstituteMalaysia,Medicinal and poisonous plants 1; de Padua,Jalan FRI, Kepong,L.S., Bunyaprapatsara, N &Lemmens, R.H.M.J.52109 Kuala Lumpur,(eds); Paperback edition; Bogor, PROSEAMalaysiaFoundation, 1999; p 257-25801aEmbeliaribuBurm.f.Chua ngutVo Van ChiVietnam(growsinripped fruits TreatVietnamese Medicinal Plants], Hanoi, MedicinalTudien cay thuocwasteland,hillbitten by snack, earthPubl. House, 1997; p. 244.mountains)worm, whites, coughand diarrhoea.02EmbeliarobustaRoxb.(VirChua,LSL;vananga. Birang-i-kabuli,)Valkenburg, © 2013 Global Journals Inc. (US) © 2013 Global Journals Inc. (US) Botanical Standardization of the Embeli Ribes Burmf & Possibilities of Species Substitute ( ) B Botanical Standardization of the Embeli Ribes Burmf & Possibilities of Species Substitute Remarks -The above nine varieties are identified and Published but the seeds are very similar in morphology to EmbeliaribesBURM.f.