Predictive value of fetal nuchal translucency in the screening of chromosomal aberrations


  • Dr. Dragan Loncar


nuchal translucency, ultrasonography, chromosomopathy, predictive statistics


In search for specific early ultrasound signs that could indicate an increased risk of hereditary or acquired disorders of the fetus, scientific research confirms the value of exceptional ultrasound findings nuchal translucency (NT). The aim of the study was to determine the predictive value of the diameter of fetal NT in the detection chromosomopathy. The investigation included 317 pregnant women with monofetal pregnancies gestational age of 11 to 14 weeks. The control group consisted of pregnant women in whom amniocentesis was recognized after a neat result of fetal karyotype. We determined the limit of physiological and pathological findings of the value of NT, but we used the diameter of NT that we get in pregnant women with pathological score of amniocentesis as a potentially pathological values. Mean value of NT in the control group was 1.92 #xB1; 0.39 mm, and the group with pathological findings karyotype fetus was 2.49 #xB1; 0.37 mm, which is a statistically significant difference (plt;0.05). Mean value of distance issues coccyx in the control group was 64.83 #xB1; 8.23 mm, and the group with pathological karyotype 60.12 #xB1; 8.48 mm, gestational age in the control group was 7.10 #xB1; 87.40 days, and pathologic 85.69 #xB1; 3.98 days, which speaks of homogeneity of the investigated sample (pgt; 0.05).The probability that a patient with negative findings to be healthy is NT 1.0. NT sensitivity as a marker for chromosomopathy was 1.0. The rate of false positive findings of the 0.026. Specificity of NT as a marker for chromosomopathy is 0.97. The probability that a patient with positive findings NT really be sick is 0.5. Valid findings NT can be considered safe ultrasonographic markers in the assessment of absence chromosomopathy. Pathological finding, given the low positive predictive value of NT must be amended and other prenatal tests before pregnant invasive give advice on prenatal diagnosis.

How to Cite

Dr. Dragan Loncar. (2011). Predictive value of fetal nuchal translucency in the screening of chromosomal aberrations. Global Journal of Medical Research, 11(4), 19–23. Retrieved from

Predictive value of fetal nuchal translucency in the screening of chromosomal aberrations

