Management of Malignant Renal Cyst a Nephrectomy Case Presentation


  • Dr. Nexhat Shabani



Renal cysts, in general, may be classified as #x201C;simple#x201D; or #x201C;complex#x201D;. #x201C;Simple#x201D; cysts are best defined using sonographic criteria. The difficulty arises when cystsdo not meet the rigid characteristics of the #x201C;simple#x201D; definition. Therefore, clinicians need to rely on a rapid, safe and accurate system to identify benign versus malignant masses and ultimately have the guidance on nonsurgical or surgical treatment options. Malignant renal cyst is a very rare disease. In literature are prescribed as 0.5-1% of all renal cysts (1, 2). Their clinical symptoms are not specific and are mainly similar to the symptomatology of tumors and simple renal cysts (3, 8). Pre operative diagnostics procedure as intravenous urography -IVU, ultrasonic sonography, computed tomography-CT, magnetic resonance imaging -MRI, diagnostic punction of cysts and renal arteriography can rare determine the diagnosis (4, 5). The diagnosis based on Bosniak classification: Bosniak 1, Bosniak 2, Bosniak 2F, Bosniak 3 and Bosniak 4. Therefore the diagnosis is mostly determined by surgical intervention (6, 7). In this study, the authors have presented their case of hemorrhagic malignant renal cyst, which is treated by surgical intervention - nephrectomy.

How to Cite

Dr. Nexhat Shabani. (2016). Management of Malignant Renal Cyst a Nephrectomy Case Presentation. Global Journal of Medical Research, 16(I3), 13–17. Retrieved from

Management of Malignant Renal Cyst a Nephrectomy Case Presentation

