Overview of Surgical Treatment for Maxillary Constriction


  • Dr. Faizan Ahmed Khan

  • Dr. Faizan Ahmed Khan



The general indications for surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) are skeletal maturity, (extreme) transverse maxillary hypoplasia, either uni- or bilateral, anterior crowding and buccal corridors, the so called black corridors, when smiling. Furthermore the indications for SARME include any case where orthodontic maxillary expansion has failed and resistance of the sutures must be overcome. Transverse maxillary hypoplasia, in adolescents and adults, is frequently seen in non-syndromal and syndromal patients including cleft patients. In skeletally matured patients the uni- or bilateral transverse hypoplasia can be corrected by means of SARME.

How to Cite

Dr. Faizan Ahmed Khan, & Dr. Faizan Ahmed Khan. (2017). Overview of Surgical Treatment for Maxillary Constriction. Global Journal of Medical Research, 17(J2), 7–12. Retrieved from https://medicalresearchjournal.org/index.php/GJMR/article/view/1391

Overview of Surgical Treatment for Maxillary Constriction

