Procreation 2013; is it Only the DNA? Origin of the Races


  • Maria Kuman


procreation; procreation and informational field; morphogenetic field; nonlinear electromagnetic field; our quantum computer


This article discusses procreation and provides scientific evidence that procreation involves not only the DNA When all the DNA was removed from an unfertilized tadpole cell and then with special equipment information projected from a fully developed tadpole a tadpole developed Obviously information for the development of a fertilized cell into an embryo exists The type of field created by the special equipment was nonlinear electromagnetic field NEMF and this is the weak informational field the author of this article measured for almost 40 years The weak informational electromagnetic field must be nonlinear not to dissipate The idea that such informational field must exist can be traced back to Aristotle and was vigorously supported by the renowned biologist Rupert Sheldrake who called it morphogenetic field More scientific findings prove the presence and existence of such informational field NEMF Based on DNA studies of the human genes the author claims that the different appearance of different races came from adaptation to the different climate of different places on planet Earth

How to Cite

Maria Kuman. (2019). Procreation 2013; is it Only the DNA? Origin of the Races. Global Journal of Medical Research, 19(K3), 29–31. Retrieved from

Procreation 2013; is it Only the DNA? Origin of the Races

