Maternal Well-Being during Pregnancy after One and Three Months from Delivery


  • Fiorentino Nicoletta

  • Nardi Emanuele



well-being, pregnancy, postnatal depression, training, EPDS, PHQ9, SF36


Introduction: Post-delivery depression damages neo-mothers, children and families alike. The specifically organized perinatal interventions are still few. Objective: Evaluating the maternal well-being inside an Innovative Training during Pregnancy and Post- Delivery, and comparing EPDS and PHQ9 tests among Italian women. Materials and Methods: An innovative training was experimented upon a randomized, controlled group of Italian women between 2011-2013. The results were measured with structured interviews, clinical folders, tests: SF36, EPDS, PHQ9. Results: SF36 gives out significant domains. EPDS and PHQ9 are relevant within 3 months in the Training group and in the comparison among Italian women. Clinical analysis underlines convenient differences between the two groups. Conclusions: The Training had a positive influence on the Post-Delivery Depression, suggesting new aid mods.

How to Cite

Fiorentino Nicoletta, & Nardi Emanuele. (2020). Maternal Well-Being during Pregnancy after One and Three Months from Delivery. Global Journal of Medical Research, 20(E8), 1–33.

Maternal Well-Being during Pregnancy after One and Three Months from Delivery

