Mechanosensors, and Mechanosensing: Mechanosensation, a Perception of the Force and Response


  • Rajiv T Kumar



According to the law of motion, reflex or a reflex action is an uncontrollable phenomenon in response to any induced forces. The same also applies to the cellular processes. Force and response are the two factors of a perception that generates mechanical force and alter cellular behaviors. This phenomenon defined as mechanosensing. Here. The mechanical force originates changes in the conformation of mechanosensory and heaved extracellular matrix or cytoskeletons toward mechanical force.1 The mechanical force-driven tension instigated in a lipid bilayer and initiated conformational changes in the entrenched sensors. The process of mechanotransduction, cell response toward a mechanical force, translated conformational changes that were generated via mechanical force into a signal having a biochemical message.2 Overall, mechanosensory are molecules that perform interactions or enzymatic events and can directly sense mechanical dynamics.3

How to Cite

Rajiv T Kumar. (2021). Mechanosensors, and Mechanosensing: Mechanosensation, a Perception of the Force and Response. Global Journal of Medical Research, 21(C2), 17–18. Retrieved from

Mechanosensors, and Mechanosensing: Mechanosensation, a Perception of the Force and Response

