Correlation of EEG Envelopes is the Best Method for Identifying Mental Diseases, Functional States, Individual and Intergroup Differences


  • Alexey Pavlovich Kulaichev



EEG, metrology, amplitude and power spectra, coherency, envelope, correlation


The principal errors of spectral and coherent analysis are discussed and the mathematics of these methods is not related to EEG nature In this regard in 2011 the new method was developed for evaluating EEG synchrony by the correlation of envelopes which has a direct and fundamental physiological meaning The basics of this method and the methodology of subsequent multilateral statistical analysis are considered The effective use of the method for identifying individual and intergroup differences in the norm and several types of schizophrenia depressive diseases five stages of sleep and similar functional states are presented

How to Cite

Alexey Pavlovich Kulaichev. (2021). Correlation of EEG Envelopes is the Best Method for Identifying Mental Diseases, Functional States, Individual and Intergroup Differences. Global Journal of Medical Research, 21(A3), 49–58.

Correlation of EEG Envelopes is the Best Method for Identifying Mental Diseases, Functional States, Individual and Intergroup Differences

