Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Emergency Contraception and Associated Factors among Female Students of Debre-Markos university, Debre-Markos town, East Gojam Zone, North west Ethiopia, 2013.


  • Hinsermu Bayu

  • Marta Tesema



In Ethiopia more than 60% of the pregnancies in adolescents are unwanted and most of these pregnancies end up with unsafe abortion which is the most common cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Unwanted pregnancy can occur due to missed pills, forced sex, method failures, and condom breakage. To prevent such problem, emergency Contraceptives (EC) is the only method that can be used after unprotected sex

How to Cite

Hinsermu Bayu, & Marta Tesema. (2015). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Emergency Contraception and Associated Factors among Female Students of Debre-Markos university, Debre-Markos town, East Gojam Zone, North west Ethiopia, 2013. Global Journal of Medical Research, 15(E1), 1–11. Retrieved from

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Emergency Contraception and Associated Factors among Female Students of Debre-Markos university, Debre-Markos town, East Gojam Zone, North west Ethiopia, 2013.

