Massive Hemothorax Following Ultrasound-Guided Central Venous Catheterization in an Anesthetized Patient: A Case Report


  • Dr. Parli Raghavan Ravi

  • Dr. Hilal Ali Hamed Al Rashdi


ultrasound, central venous catheterization, haemothorax


Central venous catheterization is a commonly performed procedure in operation theatre After the advent of ultrasound US guided central venous catheterization CVC the incidence of life-threatening complications has reduced significantly and are rare We present a case of haemothorax in a young patient after US guided which was inserted at the end of surgery under anaesthesia The operator had some technical difficulty while inserting the CVC The Haemothorax was diagnosed post-operatively in the ward after was missed clinically by radiological investigation It was treated by inserting a 36 Fr chest drain on the second post-operative day which was removed on the seventh postoperative day and the patient was discharged to home


How to Cite

Dr. Parli Raghavan Ravi, & Dr. Hilal Ali Hamed Al Rashdi. (2024). Massive Hemothorax Following Ultrasound-Guided Central Venous Catheterization in an Anesthetized Patient: A Case Report. Global Journal of Medical Research, 24(I1), 31–34. Retrieved from

Massive Hemothorax Following Ultrasound-Guided Central Venous Catheterization in an Anesthetized Patient: A Case Report

