How the Artificial Intelligence With a Neural Networks and Rules Based System Are Used to Find a Correlations, and Therefore Try to Maintain Ed Improve the State of Health, in Patient Affect by Multiple Sclerosis at the Origin of the Food Taken by the Patient


  • Francesco Pia


food, myelinating, demyelinating


In this work we want to address an Artificial Intelligence problem related to human nutrition in the case of MS which can be myelinating or demyelinating according to inputs that are to be considered pseudo-cybernetic at a low level and of natural origin i e foods that can be myelinating or demyelinating as already mentioned Thanks to the use of NNs it is possible to build a system that highlights the response of the human body to natural inputs such foods are therefore easy to find with low costs and without dynamometers for the measurement of the musculoskeletal response of the human body that can be self-assessed by the subject who is subjected to this diet The data search is conducted on the volatile web not punctual not necessarily found on specific sites but made to emerge from the browser in use in a summary form One of the aspects that must be considered is that this work does not intend to give a precise exhaustive untouchable indication of the eating habits of the people involved For example someone may really like a food that is given as demyelinating and would eliminate it from his diet but it would be good for him in other ways So everyone is free to interpret the indications that the intelligent system will give him at his convenience and pleasure and that s it because he could find some food some myelinating foods that give him more strength than others so if it doesn t cost him anything to replace it or integrate it so much the better


How to Cite

Francesco Pia. (2025). How the Artificial Intelligence With a Neural Networks and Rules Based System Are Used to Find a Correlations, and Therefore Try to Maintain Ed Improve the State of Health, in Patient Affect by Multiple Sclerosis at the Origin of the Food Taken by the Patient. Global Journal of Medical Research, 24(K4), 31–37. Retrieved from

How the Artificial Intelligence With a Neural Networks and Rules Based System Are Used to Find a Correlations, and Therefore Try to Maintain Ed Improve the State of Health, in Patient Affect by Multiple Sclerosis at the Origin of the Food Taken by the Patient

