Disfibrinogenemiya and Hidden Hemolysis - Indicators of Hemorrhagic Syndrome in Erysipelas


  • Elena. G. Fokina


facial erysipelas, lower-limb erysipelas, hidden hemolysis, DIC-like syndrome, erythrocyte aggregation, platelet aggregation, fibrinogen, D-dimer, pro


Purpose of the work: The work was aimed at the study of the changes of the system of hemostasis and of blood rheology during the progression of infection in patients with lower-limb and facial erysipelas and to validate the advisability of replacement and/or antithrombotic therapy. Material and methods: the author studied the indices of external (time of prothrombin (PT), international normalized ratio(INR)) and internal (activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)) coagulation pathways, the degree of disfibrino-genemiya (thrombin time (TT), functional fibrinogen activity and D-dimer level), the amount and functional activity of the platelets (aggregation with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and the erythrocytes (aggregation with lanthanoid (LaCl3) and protamine sulfate( PS)) in 60 cases of erysipelas. The studied indices also included endothelial dysfunction #x2013; the decrease of athrombogenicity of vascular wall endothelium (antithrombin III (AT III) and protein C) and the increase of endothelial adhesive properties (von Willebrand factor(vWf)).

How to Cite

Elena. G. Fokina. (2016). Disfibrinogenemiya and Hidden Hemolysis - Indicators of Hemorrhagic Syndrome in Erysipelas. Global Journal of Medical Research, 16(C1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://medicalresearchjournal.org/index.php/GJMR/article/view/1105

Disfibrinogenemiya and Hidden Hemolysis - Indicators of Hemorrhagic Syndrome in Erysipelas

