Childhood Hypocalcemia: The Aetiological Pattern
aetiology, childhood, hypocalcemia
Background: Hypocalcemia is not that rare condition and could be a potentially life threatening. Identifying the etiology is important for successful management. Design and setting: A retrospective, hospital based study was conducted at King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the period December 1989 and June 2016. Materials and Methods: Medical records of children beyond the neonatal period with hypocalcemia were reviewed for aetiological diagnosis. Detailed history, clinical manifestation, and results of all the laboratory, and radiological investigations were obtained. Results: A total of 60 patients were seen in the period under review, December 1989 and June 2016, with childhood hypocalcemia. Twenty-seven (45.0%) patients were parathyroid hormone deficient, while rickets diagnosed in 25 (41.7%) patients. Conclusion: This study showed that parathyroid hormone (PTH) deficiency (45%) and rickets (41.7%) were the most common causes of childhood hypocalcemia.
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