Major Causes of Liver Condemnation and Associated Direct Financial Losses in Bovine Saughtered at Assela Municipal Abattoir Arsi, South Eastern Ethiopia


  • Mukarim Abdurahaman

  • Hussein Aman

  • Gobu Boru


abattoir, assela, cattle, condemnation, financial loss, liver


A study was conducted from October 2013 to March 2014 on cattle slaughtered at Assela municipal abattoir with the aim of determining major causes of liver condemnation and to estimate the direct financial losses attributed to the condemned liver Ante mortem and post mortem inspection procedures were followed throughout the study and abnormalities encountered were recorded A total of 384 cattle were examined at ante mortem and 9 animals were found to have abnormalities conditions like lameness blindness rough hair amputated tail and branding Out of 384 cattle slaughtered 274 71 4 livers were totally condemned The major causes of liver condemnation were due to hydatidosis 64 6 fascilosis 20 8 calcification 7 7 coinfection of hydatid cyst with fasciola 4 7 cirrhosis 1 5 and abscess 0 7 Comparison of liver condemnation rate was carried out for different age animal origin and body condition however statistically significant difference was observed only between age groups The direct financial loss due to liver condemnation was calculated to be 418 761 ETB per annum rendering them unfit for local market for eusthetic reason or considering their zoonotic risks to human beings To this end public education on the effects of animal disease application of strict control measures accompanying epidemiological studies and exercising appropriate meat inspection procedures were forwarded to minimize liver condemnation and as well as to safeguard the welfare of the public

How to Cite

Mukarim Abdurahaman, Hussein Aman, & Gobu Boru. (2016). Major Causes of Liver Condemnation and Associated Direct Financial Losses in Bovine Saughtered at Assela Municipal Abattoir Arsi, South Eastern Ethiopia. Global Journal of Medical Research, 16(G3), 39–44. Retrieved from

Major Causes of Liver Condemnation and Associated Direct Financial Losses in Bovine Saughtered at Assela Municipal Abattoir Arsi, South Eastern Ethiopia

