Development and Validation of an Instrument to Enhance the Community Pharmacy Practitioner#x2019;s Knowledge towards Handling of High Risk/ Alert Medications


  • Dr. Balakeshwa Ramaiah

  • Sejal Sharma

  • Saroj Poudel

  • Raju Koneri M.


high risk medications, community pharmacists, learning modules, content and face validation, reliability


Objective: This study was aimed to prepare and validate an instrument as learning modules to boost community pharmacists#x2019; knowledge on high risk medications (HRM), which will help in minimizing serious consequences arising due to mishandling of HRM. Methods: The instrument (videos) included chapters #x201C;introduction to HRM#x201D;, #x201C;look alike and sound alike (LASA) drugs#x201D; and #x201C;storage and labeling of HRM#x201D;. The instrument was ensured to be important, relevant, reactive and appropriate with the help of content and face validation which was then confirmed to be sensitive enough to distinguish knowledge levels of community pharmacists. The split-half reliability test by Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (KR 20) to obtain a homogenous reliability index value (rKR20 = (k/k-1)/(1-#x2211;pq/#x3C3;2), ensured internal consistency of the instrument.

How to Cite

Dr. Balakeshwa Ramaiah, Sejal Sharma, Saroj Poudel, & Raju Koneri M. (2019). Development and Validation of an Instrument to Enhance the Community Pharmacy Practitioner#x2019;s Knowledge towards Handling of High Risk/ Alert Medications. Global Journal of Medical Research, 19(B1), 9–16. Retrieved from

Development and Validation of an Instrument to Enhance the Community Pharmacy Practitioner#x2019;s Knowledge towards Handling of High Risk/ Alert Medications

