The Founding Analytical Categories to the Concept of Nutritional Rationality: Qualitative Research with Postgraduate Programs Professors in Nutrition in Brazil


  • Marcia Regina Viana


nutritional rationality, healthy food, qualitative research, food practices


Objective To investigate how the academy collaborates in what is believed to be a process the constructionof the concept of nutritional rationality as the foundation of food practicesdirected to the priority fulfillment of nutritional presup positions Method Qualitative research withthe application of semi structured interview and content analysis of these interviews conducted with professors of Post graduate Programs in Nutrition interviewed during the field research concerning the author s doctor althesis developed in the Programa de P s Gradua o em Alimenta o Nutri o e Sa de of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UERJ

How to Cite

Marcia Regina Viana. (2020). The Founding Analytical Categories to the Concept of Nutritional Rationality: Qualitative Research with Postgraduate Programs Professors in Nutrition in Brazil. Global Journal of Medical Research, 20(K6), 37–47. Retrieved from

The Founding Analytical Categories to the Concept of Nutritional Rationality: Qualitative Research with Postgraduate Programs Professors in Nutrition in Brazil

