Prospective Study of Radiological and Functional Outcome of Closed Subtrochanteric Fracture Fixation with Proximal Humerus Interlocking Plate in Adolescent Patients


  • Amit Bansal


subtrochanteric fracture, proximal humerus locking plate, adolescent patients


Background: Subtrochanteric fractures constitute 1% in children. Subtrochanteric fractures in pediatric age defined as 10% length of total femur below the lesser trochanter. Mostly these fractures are unstable types. There are various treatment options available for the management of this fracture, depending on the age group of the patient. But there is no welldefined management for adolescent subtrochanteric fractures. Methods: This study includes five patients present to orthopedic emergency with closed subtrochanteric fracture without distal neurological deficit. Patients were managed operatively after informed consent with proximal humerus locking plate under regional anesthesia. Postoperatively patients were kept non weight bearing with in-bed exercises. Follow-up was done at 2, 6, 12, 24, and 36 weeks. Patients were evaluated as functional and radiologically.

How to Cite

Amit Bansal. (2020). Prospective Study of Radiological and Functional Outcome of Closed Subtrochanteric Fracture Fixation with Proximal Humerus Interlocking Plate in Adolescent Patients. Global Journal of Medical Research, 20(H3), 1–5. Retrieved from

Prospective Study of Radiological and Functional Outcome of Closed Subtrochanteric Fracture Fixation with Proximal Humerus Interlocking Plate in Adolescent Patients

