Results of Questionnaire Survey on Gum Chews of Thirty-days for University Female Students


  • Naomi Katayama

  • Shyoko Kondo


chewing training, chewing gum, questionnaire survey, university female students


It had pointed out that modern people have a weakening ability to bite The media had reported that the number of children with weak chewing power has increased since the 1980s and the media were concerned about their future health Therefore in this study we conducted a questionnaire survey after chewing ability training after chewing gum once a day for one month for chewing ability training As a result 23 female university students participated and after 30 days six people answered that they got chewing ability by chewing gum everyday Also eight people answered that they felt that their jaw had strengthened And five of the participants answered that saliva secretion had improved Six of the participants replied that they had reduced their snack intake However of the 23 participants eight could not chew the gum daily for 30 days Also 13 out of 23 of the participants replied that chewing gum every day for 30 days was hard to do In the future we would like to enlighten people to develop chewing ability training by making a habit of chewing gum everyday

How to Cite

Naomi Katayama, & Shyoko Kondo. (2020). Results of Questionnaire Survey on Gum Chews of Thirty-days for University Female Students. Global Journal of Medical Research, 20(K9), 15–17. Retrieved from

Results of Questionnaire Survey on Gum Chews of Thirty-days for University Female Students

