Awareness and Practice of Personel Protective Equipment use During Covid-19 among Health Care Personnel in India: A Systematic Review
Awareness, Practice, COVID-19 Pandemic, Protective Personnel Equipment [PPE], Health Care Personnel
Background: Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the most insightful concern for frontline healthcare providers for the treatment of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID#x2013;19), to avoid transmission. The average person with COVID-19 infection is known to infect 1, 5 to 3, 5 people. The capacity of an entire hospital to be significantly diminished by a single COVID-19 infection of healthcare staff. Many health care personnel do not know what is safe to wear. With a growing number of doctor#x2019;s fatalities, we aimed at increasing awareness and practice of health care personnel on the issues across the use of PPE by evaluating their awareness and practice using a validated questionnaire. Methodology: The research approach used is quantitative; this is because the data obtained is a quantifiable data. The information collected is from sampling methods from an online validated questionnaire.
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