Study of Serum and Urinary Calcium Levels in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Cases in and around Chitradurga


  • Dr. G.Rudrappa

  • Sabitha Bai T

  • Dinesh Javarappa


PIH, Urinary calcium, Creatinine, Protein and Protein/Creatinine ratio, serum uric acid


Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) is defined as multisystem disorder of unknown aetiology causing vasospasm and anoxia and there is a raised blood pressure recorded at least on two occasions at 6 hours apart. It is thought that preeclampsia develop when the pregnancy induced systemic response causes one or more maternal system to decompensate. The high foetal demand for calcium is facilitated by profound physiological interactions between mother and foetus. Biochemical changes in PIH are increased plasma Creatinine, urea and uric acid concentration with proteinuria due to renal glomerular endotheliosis leading to impaired glomerular perfusion and filtration. A case control comparative study was done with PIH and normal pregnant women both from outpatient and inpatient of Basaveshwara Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Chitradurga, according to the criteria. Study group will be followed up every four weeks from 28th week of gestation and 24hour/random urine sample will be collected for Biochemical evaluation of urinary Calcium, Creatinine and protein. In this study, it was found that there was significant hypocalciuria (plt;0.001), moderately significant elevations of creatinine in urine (plt;0.01) and significant increases in urinary protein (plt;0.001) was associated with preeclampsia compared to normal pregnant women, further in our study, it was also found that there was moderately significant hypocalcaemia (plt;0.01) and significant hyperuricemia (plt;0.001) and normal Creatinine levels in blood compared to normal pregnant women. Suggesting that, measurement of calcium in urine along with estimation of protein in urine may be used as screening tests along with estimation of blood levels of calcium and uric acid for confirming PIH cases. Keywords: PIH, Urinary calcium, Creatinine, Protein and Protein/Creatinine ratio, serum uric acid.

How to Cite

Dr. G.Rudrappa, Sabitha Bai T, & Dinesh Javarappa. (2014). Study of Serum and Urinary Calcium Levels in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Cases in and around Chitradurga. Global Journal of Medical Research, 14(K4), 1–3. Retrieved from

Study of Serum and Urinary Calcium Levels in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Cases in and around Chitradurga

