Comparative Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol and Hexane Leaf Extracts of Ficus Exasperata on Five Microbial Isolates


  • Godwill Azeh Engwa


ficus exasperata, antimicrobial activity, ethanol, hexane, extract, phytochemicals, microbial isolates


This study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of Ficus exasperata and compared the efficacy of ethanol and hexane extracts on five microbial isolates. To ascertain the set objective, after extraction with ethanol and hexane, the disk and well diffusion agar methods were employed to investigate the antimicrobial activity of the extracts and its minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations. A phytochemical screening was done for the confirmation of the result and the data was statistically analysed.

How to Cite

Godwill Azeh Engwa. (2015). Comparative Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol and Hexane Leaf Extracts of Ficus Exasperata on Five Microbial Isolates. Global Journal of Medical Research, 15(B1), 21–28. Retrieved from

Comparative Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol and Hexane Leaf Extracts of Ficus Exasperata on Five Microbial Isolates

