Presence of Equine Infectious Anemia in Work Horses in San Andr#xE9;s Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala


  • Daniela Villatoro-Chacon

  • Sandy Garcia-Garcia

  • Chavez-Lopez

  • Juan Jose

  • Villatoro-Chacon

  • Daniela Mariel


anemia, equine, immunodiffusion


Equine infectious anemia (IEA) is a worldwide distribution disease caused by a lentivirus associated withthe presence of transmitting vectors of the gender Tabanus and equines by producing anemiaandconsequently hypoxia that produces a multi-organ deterioration. The presence of AIE in the working equine of San Andr#xE9;s Itzapa, Chimaltenango was evaluated. This in order to assess the presence of the disease since this group of equines is part of the food security of the community. 100 blood samples were analyzed using the gel agar immunodi-fusion test. The presence of the disease was found in 8% of the sampled animals.

How to Cite

Daniela Villatoro-Chacon, Sandy Garcia-Garcia, Chavez-Lopez, Juan Jose, Villatoro-Chacon, & Daniela Mariel. (2020). Presence of Equine Infectious Anemia in Work Horses in San Andr#xE9;s Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Global Journal of Medical Research, 20(G2), 1–4. Retrieved from

Presence of Equine Infectious Anemia in Work Horses in San Andr#xE9;s Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala

