Clinical Evolution of a Case of Perineal Hernia in a Canine Resolved through the Technique of the Transposition of the Semitendinous Muscle


  • Roger Gonz#xE1;lez Vatteone

  • Cesar Esteban Britez Valinotti


perineal hernia, canine, transposition of the semitendinous muscle


The objective of the present research was to determinate the clinical evolution of a case of perineal hernia in an 11 - year - old canine half breed, solved by the technique of the transposition of the semitendinous muscle. Postoperative clinical evaluations were made, evaluating presence / absence of pathologies of healing such as ulcers, fistulas, hypertrophic scar, keloids, seromas and tumefactions. The results obtained at 30 days of evaluation showed no pain, inflammation, ulcer, fistula, seroma, hypertrophic scar, keloid and recurrent bulging, all considered favorable signs within the present study. The tissue manipulation, due to the fairly wide incision, did not generate complication beyond the hemorrhage, being an effective technique.

How to Cite

Roger Gonz#xE1;lez Vatteone, & Cesar Esteban Britez Valinotti. (2021). Clinical Evolution of a Case of Perineal Hernia in a Canine Resolved through the Technique of the Transposition of the Semitendinous Muscle. Global Journal of Medical Research, 21(G2), 15–21. Retrieved from

Clinical Evolution of a Case of Perineal Hernia in a Canine Resolved through the Technique of the Transposition of the Semitendinous Muscle

