Seroprevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV Infectivity Among Blood Donors In Sudan


  • Amged Hussein


human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis b, seroprevalence, blood donors


Objective: Numerous infectious diseases are spread by blood transfusion, particularly viral infections. The hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and other pathogenic organisms are transmitted through inappropriate screening of blood products (Nilima Sawke, et al., 2013). These infected blood products are causing fatal, persistent and life frightening disorders (WHO, 2012). Aim of the current study was to estimate a statistical of the incidence of HBV, HCV, and HIV among blood donors in Sudan. Results: In the blood supplies system in Sudan the total average of voluntary blood donors (VBD) was10.1%, whereas the family replacement donation (FBD) was 89.9% (3), the total incidence in blood donors was 3.2%.

How to Cite

Amged Hussein. (2022). Seroprevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV Infectivity Among Blood Donors In Sudan. Global Journal of Medical Research, 22(F3), 35–39. Retrieved from

Seroprevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV Infectivity Among Blood Donors In Sudan

